December 14th, 2009

[info]somedaylove in [info]solsticerp

Saturday: Mixing Pleasure with Business

Who: Cordy and Santiago
When: Evening
Where: Vapor

After Cordelia had managed to get into the club, she went directly over to say hello to Ashley before she grabbed a drink and found herself a nice non-quiet corner to hide out in for awhile. She wore the knee high black boots she'd bought with Ashley a few days back along with a black minidress that rarely saw the light of day. At least she had an excuse to wear it now, right? Her camera was in the bag resting on her shoulder, and she was itching to pull it out and use it. Sipping on her cranberry and vodka, Cordelia was content with people watching for awhile. She was waiting to see something, or someone, that she could take a photograph of. Not that she would get the best results, being in the dark, and it wasn't as if she could haul in all of her equipment, but she would see what happened. Maybe she would get a few interesting shots.

I would love to see what you're capable of. )