November 7th, 2009

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Wednesday - Ugh, Public

Who: Joel and Gwen
When: seven-ish
Where: the Marina

Joel had been aware that there was some sort of event going on at the Marina. He'd seen some ads for it, heard murmurings since he'd gotten back into town, but it hadn't really sunk in until he was out for his nightly walk and oh look. The Marina was filled with tons of people. It usually wasn't the sort of scene he would be caught dead in. But if he was going to watch Darkwater, he had to watch Darkwater. And what better way to do it than to mingle a bit with the locals. He promised himself that he didn't have to talk to anyone, and continued forward.

He got himself a hot dog and a soda and found a clear bench to sit on, far enough away so the band wasn't as blaring. It was a good spot to people-watch, and that was what Joel commenced doing, filling his mouth with food every once in a while.

[info]somedaylove in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: Cheering Up

Who: Cian and Ava
Where: the Andersen house
When: late evening

Cian couldn't remember ever being so stoned before. It had been all he could do to drive the Fiat onto the ferry without running into a post or possibly another car. The ride back to Eldritch had been spent mostly in a daze as he tried not to think about how much this past day had sucked. The fight with Liam, the brooding-while-trying-to-deny-he-was-brooding about Ava, the fucking rain and running into Jess at Walgreen's... really, the only thing redemptive about the past twenty-four hours had been the vast quantities of pot he'd smoked with the guys. They'd smoked and eaten an entire chocolate cake that Darren's mom had made to go with the family dinner later, then watched some stupid movie and smoked some more. The entire afternoon and early evening had gone pretty much like that.

Sweaty butt fur. Man, she really had a way with words. )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: The Club

Who: Ashley and Santiago
Where: Vapor
When: Early afternoon

Not even a downpour like the one that was occurring all over Darkwater could induce Ashley not to wear high heels. Of course, this afternoon said heels were her three-inch heeled black vinyls that just covered her knees paired with her slick, silver-studded black hooded raincoat. She lived close enough to Vapor to walk there, and she was clipping along as fast as she could go, thrilled that Santiago had called her to come and see what he'd done with the club. Sure, she enjoyed working at Java a lot, but the club was where her heart was. And it was about to reopen again! So exciting.

Ashley crossed the street and walked along the curved sidewalk, raising one hand to wave excitedly as she caught sight of Santiago standing beneath the front overhang waiting for her.

Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. )