October 25th, 2009

[info]giveintothemuse in [info]solsticerp

Ad in the Sunday paper

Roommate, M or F to share rent/electric in a 2 bedroom 2 bath home.
Tidy living conditions, friendly roommate.
If interested, contact Eden Hanley

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Monday: A Cozy Little Interview

Who: Santiago and Eden
When: Late morning
Where: Vapor

Eden was pleased with herself having scored an interview with the new owner of Vapor. She was hoping to catch little snippets of what was going on inside the building and the best way of doing that was to have the interview at the club. So that's where she was, a few minutes early for the meeting with the man. She'd been instructed to just come on inside, so when she reached the building, she did as she was told. Dressed to impress in a skirt and matching jacket, black because it was slimming, and a frill white blouse beneath it, Eden was ready to wow this guy. The better a person is at conversation with an interviewee, the better the interview itself would go. Glancing around the room she'd just entered, she took everything in and waited for Santiago.

Catered with special coffee.... )