October 23rd, 2009

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Sunday: Shoooooooes!

Who: Ashley and Cordelia
When: late afternoon
Where: textland



[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Sunday: Who Turned Out the Lights?

Who: Noah and Jericho
Where: the Anchor, Sandpiper Marina
When: 8:20 p.m.

Noah wasn't heavily into drinking. He was more of what could be considered a social drinker than anything, which led to him having a beer at the marina's pub at least a couple nights a week. "Thanks," he said to the bartender as he slid the cold mug down to him. It was a much better pub night than Friday or Saturday, he thought. Much less crowded. Noah wasn't really into crowds, either, although he was a fairly social guy. You could actually hear the music from the jukebox tonight.

He turned his head to speak to the guy next to him, someone he recognized and had talked with a couple of times before. Everyone who actually lived at the marina had met at least once. "Think they have any Skynyrd on that juke?" he mused.

And stole the jukebox music, too! )