Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 2nd, 2017






This is bloody beautiful.



Who: Mon Mothma & Leia Organa
Where: Tiki Lounge
What: Discussing the Constitution, catching up and other things
When: Mid morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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Does anyone have wire cutters?

It's important.



TW: Alcohol Withdrawal )



You know, I was just saying I needed a vacation after that presidential race. This isn't quite what I had in mind, obviously. It's not exactly Mykonos. Or even Fire Island. But I'd be lying if I said I couldn't smell what the Rock was cooking. Nice of them to pick a bathing suit that matches my eye shadow, even though the fit is a bit awkward in the front.

So, what is it this time? Celestials? Beyonders? Watchers? Infinites? Oblivion? Eternity? The Living Tribunal? The Alien Entity? God King Doom? Master Order? Billy?

TBH this seems like the kind of crazy that Franklin Richards will inevitably go.



Congratulations to today's winning beach volleyball team, #TeamIron!!!

Great work out there today, especially considering that almost none of us had literally any knowledge or experience as to how the game was played.

Good game to our runner up, #TeamCap, who also definitely tried. I'm sure this will be the start of a great rivalry. And also, many new friendships.

And a very special thanks to everyone who came out to support the teams. We couldn't have done it without you! I mean, we could have, but it would have been kinda depressing.