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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'star+wars:+canon:+poe+dameron'

Aug. 27th, 2018



[ CABIN 1 ]
I need help.

I think I'm losing it. A little.



Who: Poe Dameron and his very late prompt fill
When: Over the course of the week, leading up to today.
Where: Five Mile Creek ; Cabin 1 ; around.
What: I mean, hopefully not orcs?
Rating: Low

it wasn't inside of him, but it might as well have been.  )

Aug. 19th, 2018



So. Does anyone have any thoughts about why we're here and what we have to do?

On that note, anyone want to come exploring with me?

Aug. 17th, 2018



Hi, yes, hello.

Could I get someone who is noble and pure of heart, but also valiant and warlike to come help me pick up my backpack?

It's on the bus.

May require multiple assistants.

Jul. 31st, 2018



Please tell me you're not in that cave.

... Also, if you're not, we really should probably go to that cave.

Jul. 15th, 2018



That was fun. That was actually fun. I wouldn't have said no to getting in the cockpit of something that could actually move, but - it was nice to be up in the black again. I missed it, and I still do.

This, though. This is giving off some serious Jakku vibes. Don't get me wrong, I like the hat. I like it a lot. But in terms of biomes, this one's pretty much at the bottom of my list.

[ LEIA ]
Congratulations. I'd say you should come move in, but - you know. My rooms are awful and my roommate's a shitbird.

Did you stuff Hux in an airlock?

I'm coming to visit!

Jun. 25th, 2018



Who: Poe Dameron & Barbara Gordon
When: Now!
Where: ~in space~
What: The Rocinante crew finds a fren
Rating: Low.

maybe he was just overly excited to be star-side again )

Jun. 18th, 2018



From whom can I hook an invite to the weekly poker game in this very fine establishment and what's the buy-in?

[Construction Group]
Anyone keen to put me wise on what it is we're expected to construct? Cumulative histograms? Identity? A bookshelf?

Jun. 15th, 2018



I've always been kind of a passable mechanic. I could make a speeder bike go again after I ran it up against a tree or dropped it too low over the river or it sat for a week in the humidity after the shed cooling unit busted. I could figure out what was wrong with our fueling pump, which was a couple years older than I was, and get it chugging. I could do emergency patch jobs on most starfighters, and a little more with the right droid. But I was never one of those guys who looked at the inside of an engine and figured I could make it better. I always had a friend or two who fit that mold: my best friend in school who had some new switch on her skiff's console every week, something she'd rigged up just for fun - just because she could - just to show off, most of the time. The guys who would put all their pride and joy in getting just a little more out of yachts, in having the absolute best of everything running under the deck. Mechanic is good work, I like it, I'm pretty good at it - but looking around the shop always makes me think of those people who would look at this same stuff and get inspired - and whip something up I'd never even have thought of. A lot of them were a lot, if you know what I mean, but they were all impressive. And it's a good drive, I think. To want to push past what things as supposed to do, and find what's next.

You guys are next on my tour of people's couches I'm crashing on. You have couches, right?

Jun. 12th, 2018



Material needs being met are all well and good but what's being done to protect my friends back home? We were in the middle of a battle and Jean's there I can't just leave them there to face it one man short.



Guess I was out of commission and got relocated. Probably not for good behavior. Not gonna protest, purple is far more flattering than orange and the change of scenery is welcome.

So who the hell took my shit and where is my dog? And then drinks.

Jun. 10th, 2018



Hi, I'm Will Robinson.

I'm 11 years old.

I'm supposed to be on the Jupiter II with my family. We're part of the next colonization group.

I guess I'm here now though.

Rey's been helping me out.

There aren't any robots here, are there?



I'm assuming the scientists decided on our jobs but given I doubt we'll be farming water... I don't know how good I will be at the farming aspect of it all?

Jun. 9th, 2018



Can we all move back to our old rooms now? Between Lima block and my new-old job on janitorial duty, this place is starting to feel a little bit too much like "home."

And whatever Baikal is, I am not about it.

Jun. 8th, 2018



I’m really not sure that farming is where my skills would be best put to use.

I recognize that growing your own organic vegetables is a thing that a certain subset of wealthyish white people like to do - often people who compost their own food waste, put jade eggs in weird places, and make terrariums out of repurposed light bulbs - but it’s really never spoken to me. I’m the wrong kind of white people.

Jun. 5th, 2018



I'm starting a new club. It's for people whose roommates are shitbirds. We'll have activities and stuff, and the application process will be very simple.

The first meeting will be tonight in the cafeteria, where we'll hang out instead of that room where the shitbird is.

Jun. 1st, 2018



Well, that's not ominous or anything.

May. 19th, 2018



[Bail Organa]
I’m getting used to this.
[Poe Dameron + Steve Harrington]
Are the two of you free this afternoon?

May. 13th, 2018



There's a porg in my boot.

Apr. 26th, 2018



I would like to see something for my own interest. I've spoken to some of the other council members about the idea of reducing the number of squads, and allowing for two representatives from each of the reduced squads to serve on the council, due to the fact so many in our ranks have recently disappeared.

Changing squads totals and organisations would require constitutional amendments, and this post is not for those arguments. Instead, I just want to see:

Find your name on the list and put yourself into one of these six squads. If you had complete control, who would you want to be with? You can discuss it in this post, if there are logistics to work out, but I want to see what everyone would want, had they the choice.