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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'hansel+%26+gretel:+gretel'

Jan. 5th, 2018



Gretel )

Dec. 30th, 2017



Who: Sam and Gretel
What: Sam's discovered his brother is gone, Gretel tries to help.
When: Backdated to when Dean disappeared
Where: Gretel's room
Rating: Feels
Status: Partial log, completed in comments

I love you, so it's only a matter of time before I lose you. )

Dec. 7th, 2017



[Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Gretel, Dean Winchester]
I believe I've included everyone, but if not, please let me know and I'll add them.

Lady Vex'ahlia, if I'm not mistaken, you have some ability to speak with animals and between you and Trinket, you may be able to find and corral some of the animals who have gotten out and return them where they belong. I wouldn't dream of splitting you and your brother up. You're welcome to find two others to take with you, or the five of us can all go together and fan wide. Otherwise, Gretel and Mister Winchester can come with me.

East mid-park between 65th and 74th is the section we've been given by the young lady who's taken it upon herself to organize this. But by all means, if you finish clearing this section, branch out.



Alright, who fucking fucked up this fucking time? Just because I can't beat your ass doesn't mean I can't make things incredibly uncomfortable for you.

I have medication I have to take and shit to do, assholes.

Nov. 7th, 2017



Such tragedy at last nights performance. My deepest sympathies to poor Mademoiselle Vane's family and indeed her fellow performers, such a thing to endure.

I am not normally one for superstitious leanings but it is difficult to ignore that there have been many strange happenings surrounding the opera of late. It would not be truthful of me to say I hadn't at least fleetingly considered that dark forces are at work there.

Come and find me in the study at your earliest convenience. We have matters to discuss.

Nov. 5th, 2017



Who: Jehan Frollo and Philippe De Chagny (Gretel and Sam Winchester)
What: Alternate realities collide- kinda.
Where: The University Library
When: Midday, Saturday
Rating: Low/medium ish

I am a student of human nature. )



[Filtered privately]
Beata Maria, I have rested so confident in my virtue for so long. I have strove to be like the martyrs and remove myself from the world. I have forsaken pleasures of the flesh and the heresies of science even as the licentious in the palace and the square clamor for it. But I am called to shepherd them. I cannot look away.

And thus enters the Devil. Why then can I not shake the image of that dark-haired witch from my mind. Even when I close my eyes, I am ensnared by her serpentine gyrations, and tempted to think of most carnal sin.

O Blessed Virgin. Sustain me in suffering, fortify me in temptation, protect me in the dangers surrounding me, obtain for me the graces necessary to me, and allow to destroy them like a cleansing sword.

[Filtered to Jehan Frollo]
Those Godless tramps. Are they always so near to your campus?
[Filtered to Quasimodo]
I have often warned you of how Godless and wicked the people of Novi Grad are, have I not, my sweet Quasimodo?

Nov. 3rd, 2017



Cheers to the lucky souls and their recent betrothal. Or marriage... regrettably, I forget which. Either way, know that your happiness was thoroughly celebrated by many a well-wisher last eve at the tavern.

[Private to Claude Frollo]

Dearest esteemed and most-pious of brothers; how long has it been since your noble visage graced the halls of the University? So many of my fellow scholars are in dire need of your divine guidance. Especially after last night

Nov. 2nd, 2017



[Court of Miracles]
A little birdie sang a little too loud about a party tonight. Rich folks never keep a close enough eye on their food, or their doors, so if anyone would like to take advantage of their fatuity, we all know how this one is staged.

Nov. 1st, 2017


WHO: Gretel and Bruce Banner
WHEN: backdated to before the scenario
WHERE: Gretel's room
WHAT: The two talk about magic.
STATUS: gdoc, completed in comments.

White witches are born, dark witches are made… )



Hansel, where are you.

[Friends (Sam, Bruce, Dean, Raven, Darcy, Joanna, Robin, Vex, Vax, and anyone else that may fit)]

As much as I hated the pink, I prefer places with a fucking door.

How many of us were picked this time?

Oct. 26th, 2017



Who: Sam and Gretel
What: Discuss magic, addiction and maybe perform a little spell
When: Backdated to before Tahanis garden party
Where: Library first then Gretels lair room in Delta
Warnings: mild angst because it's Sam, mentions of past addiction, possible language.
Status: incomplete (continued in comments)

I put a spell on you and now you're mine. )

Oct. 19th, 2017



Who: The Twins
When: Oct 19th
Where: Gretel’s room
What: Discussing the Moose in the room
Rating: PG, language.

Don’t let these scientist fuckers decide what you do. )

Oct. 18th, 2017



There really is no good way to do this besides to ask as many of you as possible, and hope for the best.

Among those of us here, who is the most honest man you know?


[Private messages to each individual, Hank McCoy, Ron Swanson, and Chirrut]

I know you don't know me, but I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Oct. 17th, 2017



Who: Sam and Gretel
What: More bad dreams
Where: Gretel's room, Delta
When: BACKDATED to the night after the 'dead' tributes were returned
Rating: Some language, violent imagery, hints of death (HG triggers)
Status: Log, complete

What can I do? )

Oct. 14th, 2017



[Private to Hansel]

Where are you?

[Message to Delta]

These black rooms are to be used as we please- is this correct?

Oct. 9th, 2017



Something that everyone should know...

Those taken by Hotel were made to dig twenty-five graves.

Only twenty-one died in that cave. They have been drilling us with the idea that only one will survive.

This obviously isn't over.



I would like to know when we will be able to bury our dead.

The need for proper burial is nearly universal among human civilizations. We honor our dead. It does not do to let them decay in obscurity without due honor and ceremony.

Oct. 8th, 2017



Who: Hansel & Gretel
What: Twin bonding time
Where: Gretel's room, Delta
When: Backdated to Hansel's first night
Rating: Feels and language (The Candy Twins should have their own warning)

Shut up. )



Who: Dean and Gretel
What: Mourning, patching up minor injuries- hunter things
Where: Delta, Dean's room
When: Saturday night, after the Viewing Party
Rating: Some language

The river goes where the current flows, the lightning must destroy. Events conspire to set afire the methods we employ. )