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Incomplete Data

October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'the+last+survivors:+alex+morales'

Sep. 1st, 2018



I found this rainbow bracelet on the ground today, over near Five Mile Creek. I also caught two small fish. Then I heard some rustling in the bushes and I'm pretty sure I saw a BEAR so I ran out of there. When I got back to my cabin I noticed that the bracelet has DAVE written on it in Sharpie. I know no one around here's named Dave but first the letter piece I found and now this? I don't think it's a coincidence.

Has everyone who disappeared disappeared from their cabin? Or has anyone gone anywhere that they maybe shouldn't go into? Like the letter I found said not to go into [BLANK]? Are there any caves or anything?

Aug. 24th, 2018



If Magneto isn't back in 12 hours I will burn this entire forest to the ground.

Aug. 22nd, 2018



Is anyone going to mention the Holy Water & Silver Bullets? Cause they only have on purpose.

I really really want to go home.

Aug. 19th, 2018



Lima Block
Um. Given that we all have our funds in one group how are we going to do things with the shop?



I'd like to lodge a complaint about the impractability of a few of the things in my backpack.

Though I guess thanks for the real old uniform of mine.

And is this gonna involve writing letters home and singing kumbaya around the campfire? Cause I'm all s'mores'd out.

Aug. 18th, 2018



Is anyone here named Dave?

I was exploring walking around hiking and I came on this case and inside there was a big WARNING but I a ripped piece of paper and it looked like it was a letter for someone named Dave.


It looks like it might be some kind of a warning or something.

Aug. 14th, 2018



Well this is going to be horrible. Reminds me far to much of school camp.

Has anything good ever actually happened on camps?

Aug. 9th, 2018



Clint, Wanda and I found this while we were out looking for gold. Half of an advertisement for... something. Does it look familiar to anyone? Has anyone seen what might be the other half of the paper?

Could be nothing. But it could be something.

Click either to enlarge

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
See? Forthcoming.

Aug. 8th, 2018



If there was a scenario that you could go back to and do over, what would it be?

Jul. 26th, 2018



[Teenagers/HP/Young Avengers/Avengers Academy - ask if unsure.]

So I think I found something that could be worth investigating while I was down at the river looking for gold. Anyone up for an adventure?



This would make a good setting for a video game. I've mostly spent my time swimming. Not much else for me to do except that and work.

Hi. I've been lurking around the library. I don't actually know what I'm doing?

Jul. 15th, 2018



I'm not sure I understand how this happened.

But it's really hot now.

And it feels like we're in some old Western movie?

Jul. 2nd, 2018



[compound network]

I figure that being given the job of janitor was meant to be annoying to me somehow, but honestly? Our captain back home is a clean freak and made us clean even when we didn’t need to. We also didn’t have half of the equipment and supplies back home we do here. So this is always over with much quicker than it ever was when he got into a mood. Jokes on you, I guess?

Jun. 30th, 2018



[Compound Network]

Ugh I knew this place was too good to be true.

Also why the hell did they give me my Nintendo 64 and not my Computer if they gave me Kingdom of Goblins. I can't even play it now which SUCKS.`

Jun. 27th, 2018



So what exactly are the grounds and construction crews doing anyway? If they are still here.

Jun. 24th, 2018



Compound Network

Uh - where did everyone go?

Jun. 9th, 2018



Can we all move back to our old rooms now? Between Lima block and my new-old job on janitorial duty, this place is starting to feel a little bit too much like "home."

And whatever Baikal is, I am not about it.

Jun. 8th, 2018



This is the best your technology does?

Jun. 5th, 2018




What the hell?

Jun. 1st, 2018




Specimens will wake up this evening to to find themselves in group wards containing liquid filled pod. They will be wearing a silver bodysuit. The rooms are stark, though water and nutrient packets are provided in a basket along the one of the windowless walls. Each pod is marked with a two digit number and can be opened from the inside (allowing them to get out).

They will have no network access and will not be able to leave these rooms though there does appear to be a sealed door on one end.

Ward 1 (pods 01 - 08) : Logan, Bruce Wayne (EU), Rey, Marian Pouncy, Rogue (616), Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Will Robinson

Ward 2 (pods 09 - 16) : Tina Goldstein, Emma Frost, Bail Organa, Wanda Maximoff (MCU), Steve Rogers (616), Peter Pettigrew, Pamela Isley, Armitage Hux

Ward 3 (pods 17 - 24) : James Potter, Kylo Ren, Billy Kaplan, Peggy Carter, Laura Roslin, Danaerys Targaryen, Bruce Banner (616), Shuri

Ward 4 (pods 25 - 32) : Amora, Groot, Charles Xavier, Max Eisenhardt, Rogue (fox), Steve Harrington, Kamala Khan, Tony Stark (AA)

Ward 5 (pods 33 - 40): Luke Skywalker, Peter Parker, Bobby Drake, Chidi Anagonye, Michelle Jones, Bruce Banner (MCU), Hank McCoy, Riri Williams

Ward 6 (pods 41 - 48): Lois Lane, Stephen Strange, Jasper Sitwell, Bruce Wayne (G), Barbara Gordon, Finn, Regina Mills, [EMPTY]

Ward 7 (pods 49 - 56): Clint Barton (MCU), Bucky Barnes (MCU), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darcy Lewis, Alex Morales, Tony Stark (616), Maria Hill, [EMPTY]

Ward 8 (pods 57 - 64): Diana Prince, Bucky Barnes (616), Regulus Black, Tony Stark (MCU), Poe Dameron, Loki, Michael, [EMPTY]

Ward 9 (pods 65 - 72): Natasha Romanoff, Archex, Amadeus Cho, Mon Mothma, Laura, Leia Organa, Kira Manning, Wade Wilson

Ward 10 (pods 73 - 80): Clint Barton (616), Howard Stark, Pepper Potts, Victor von Doom, T'Challa, Sirius Black, Selina Kyle, Harry Potter

OOC Notes: If you are you are resetting characters from year one, this is when that is happening.

Characters may thread / interact only with those in their rooms for now.

EMPTY slots will be filled with apps that come in before this plot is over.