Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 1st, 2017



Now I'm not saying I need a man to save me, but how much trouble do we need to get out to in the ocean to get a little mouth-to-mouth with that beefcake of a life guard?



[People He Thinks are Teenagers**]
Okay so I have a really important I think? mission from Iron Man and I need help.

I need to start a teenage beach volleyball team.

And you all are... well, seem teenaged. Ish. Maybe.

Who wants to help?

Roster So Far:
  • Peter Parker (me)
  • Michelle Jones
  • Gwen Poole
  • Bucky Barnes
  • Maria Hill
  • Jan Van Dyne
  • Gwen Stacey
  • Viv Vision
  • Amadeus Cho
  • Audrey Jensen
  • Steven Universe
  • Steve Rogers
[Michelle Jones]
Do you want to play volleyball?

Before you say no. You'd have a captive audience to which you can explain the historical significance of Title 9.
Are you a teenager? Or a person?


** Jan Van Dyne (AA), Bucky Barnes (AA), Maria Hill (AA), Gwen Stacey (AA), Amadeus Cho (616), Viv Vision (616), Bucky Barnes (616), Dorian Gray (??), Steven Universe, Bruce Wayne (G), Daria Morgendorfer, Audrey Jensen



Guess I'm gonna have to learn a new act the next time we make a trip to the circus.

[Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)]
[Filtered to Steve Rogers (MCU)]
How'd you spend the last two weeks, anyway?



Gonna take some time away from the sun and sand today. Just in case anyone thinks they've lost me, I'm inside. Don't worry, I haven't run astray.

[Hotel & Echo Scientists]
Thanks for the books. You two are the best.

[Romeo Scientist]
What do you think the chances are that I could visit your greenhouse? Like, regularly? I'm friends with a couple of Romeo folks - Han and Kitty - so I could ask them to let me in if that was a thing, but I'd like to just kinda spend time there on my own.






Just to be clear, Poe Dameron is the best at sand.

Anyone here interested in setting up some beach volleyball teams? Also, if yes, dibs on Phasma.

[Bruce Wayne (G)]
Hey buddy,
So I borrowed one of those gas mask purses, a mirror compact and rigged up a projector out of it for your computer. The processing speed is shit, there's a synthezoid on the premises who might be able to speed things up for you. But, I got it working for you.
I need help with something.
[Hot Sharon]
You said you wanted to talk to me about my feelings regarding that Constitution. We didn't really get the chance to do that before my little Brat Pack stint so, still up for it?

I don't do well in the sun. I burn like mad.



I used to live on the beach! And we're going to play VOLLEYBALL?? The Gems were really good at volleyball. But they cheat.

I really like my outfit. And I got my cheeseburger backpack back. There's a Sailor Moon book inside! Does anyone want to read it with me?



I'll be honest: I had a moment there where I truly thought I might have hallucinated the entire thing, being back in London during the Blitz. That I would wake up back in Los Angeles and everything would be back to normal. Or, at least, as normal as my life ever was.

However, as this isn't the case, I'll enjoy the sun, the sand, and she water. I do especially enjoy these sunglasses. I always look spectacular in sunglasses.


tw blood )



So, it looks like Peter did with his efforts for the teen division than I managed for the adults, which is to be expected. He's better than me at most things. So, here's the breakdown for tomorrow's first game. Both teams have some room for alternates, if there are any stragglers & If we get six more 15-22-year-olds, they can play the winner. Game on!

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