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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'scream:+audrey+jensen'

Jan. 2nd, 2018



[Natasha MCU]
Hey, I haven't checked in on how you're doing. I know with all the moving around you've had to do things might be a lot to deal with, but your sentencing required a public apology. Today's the last day in that timeframe. I'm not sure what the consequence is otherwise, but let's just get this over with?

[Council and Jury]
So how are we feeling about that recent submission?

OK! Carol and I think we should do a pajama party with the pajama's that we all got for Christmas!

Who's in?

Dec. 30th, 2017



I have a lot of crazy dreams & this one takes the cake. BUT I've been informed this isn't a dream at all. AND I've got the pinch marks on the inside of my elbow too, just to be sure.

So I guess there's no polite way to put this ... what the actual fuck?

Dec. 28th, 2017



Normally with New Year's Eve coming up, this would be a time for reflecting on the past year and celebrating the possibilities of the upcoming one but it’s difficult to look back on this experience feeling that one’s gleaned any beneficial knowledge. It’s even more difficult to envision anything positive coming from 2018.

I still made a list of resolutions like I do every year, but it was a trial not to defeat myself in the process. How do you make resolutions in a prison there’s no promise of being released from? I have a total of two lines on my page. Did anyone else have better luck?

Dec. 23rd, 2017



Who: Carl Grimes and Audrey Jensen
What: Last Minute Gift Wrapping
When: Dec 22nd
Where: November, Room 324
Warnings: Probably low.
Note: For this and this

Celebrating Christmas is the most confusing part of all. )

Dec. 22nd, 2017



Has anyone seen my brother? Because I can't find him anywhere. Does that mean he's been sent home? please, God

or has Hotel been tossing people into bunkers again

Dec. 18th, 2017



[Filtered to friends: y'all know who you are]

Soooo... I'm probably going to get Hulk Smashed or murdered by Black Widow Thighs. Avenge me.

Or cuddle pile. Frankly, I'd be happy with that too.



[Survivor Squad]

I just finished my Christmas shopping and I have an absurd amount of money left despite buying all these beautiful Breyer horses for Audrey.

So what does everyone need to continue doing whatever it is they do?

Sam and Dean, bulk quantities of salt? Ron, pocket constitution?

Dec. 13th, 2017



tl;dr )

Of course, I suppose it also has its advantages....

I think I've gotten sidetracked. I wanted to talk about what freedom is worth



it’s my fault that hotel punished everyone.

i let the animals out the night of the ball, because i thought they’d attack the scientists and then we could get away. i stole amos’ wire-cutters and talked river into coming with me to watch out.

i was stupid and proud, and it got everyone else in trouble. no one deserved to be punished but me.

Dec. 11th, 2017



SITREP UPD: It appears it is possible to be added to this experiment.

Be on the look out for an additional goat.

What are we still missing? A leopard, a red panda, a bat, and three goats? Then we had several people have located but not caught?



[Sam Winchester, Carl Grimes, Betty Cooper, Graverobber]
How's everyone doing? Does anyone need anything? I can't get it for you myself as I am stuck in the cow enclosure with Betty as a form of protest, but if you do, I could send someone to get something for you.

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
Hey, Doc, you think you could do something for me?

Dec. 7th, 2017



Okay, what?

Dec. 6th, 2017



Do you like to Dancy Dance? )

What does everyone want for Christmas?

I'm not offering (I wasn't here for the last ...thing, so I only got $100), just wondering. What if there wasn't a limit? Anything you want.

Dec. 5th, 2017



Constitutional Amendments

I know, beyond the freedom to move between squads, there were other suggested Amendments that were floated around in the past few months. We have a few council and jury positions we need to fill, once that is finished, council members will vote on the amendments. In the place of a tie, the jury will also vote.

Suggested Amendments

STRIKE/REMOVE: Article 4.4) Should one group become more than twice as large as the average of the remaining groups, it shall be granted an additional Council representative. Additionally, should groups include more than fifteen (15) members, a second Council representative will be elected.

Suggested by: Several

REPLACE WITH: NEW Article 4.4) After a minimum of three experiments or 4 months (whichever arrives first) any member of the Collective may choose to transfer squads. Such a transfer must be approved by the new Squad's Council member. At the discresion of the Council Member and the New Squad, they can choose to vote on whether or not to honor the transfer request.

Suggested by: Lois Lane

Article 4.5:Should five or more members inform the Council that they wish to form their own Squad, such decision will take effect immediately, and will not require approval by any Council member or any other person whatsoever.

Suggested by: Armitage Hux

There has been plenty of discussion regarding the Amendment passed during the Hunger Games. For that reason, I would like it to be offically voted on here. If it passes now, it stays, if it does not, it will be striken from the constitution.

Article 7.5: The Wittgenstein Collective does not recognise the Scientists as being in any way exempt from the list of minor or major offenses. (including murder, conspiracy, etc)

Suggested by: Sharon Carter, Professor Xavier

Article 8.6 In the event of an emergency, as recognised when the Council/Jury has been depleted of over 1/3 of its members, a temporary amendment to the constitution designed to protect the collective, sustain life, or provide aid may be passed into law by popular vote. Six weeks after the crisis has been averted, the amendment must either be recinded or be voted into law by the Council, as per all amendments.

Suggested by: Diana Prince

Alternate wording will be considered, striking or changing something already in the constitution will be considered.

[Squad 8 + Sharon Carter (616)]
You have until the end of the week to select a new council member

[Squad 11 + Sharon Carter (616)]
You have until the end of the week to select a new juror

Nov. 26th, 2017



I thought New Orleans was beautiful at night...

Nov. 24th, 2017



[Young Millennials]
So, I've kind of got a job to do this month that I could use some help with.

Who's interested in helping me start up a Secret Santa?

Nov. 22nd, 2017



Pretty sure pink camouflage doesn't really help with the whole blending into your surroundings idea. But I do appreciate the warmth, also the pencils.



Out of curiosity, how many New Yorkers do we have here? It seems like people are overall pretty familiar with Central Park.

[Filtered to Sharon Carter 616]
I dropped of a revised summary of the Woman in White with my mission report.

How do you want to do this?