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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'hansel+%26+gretel:+hansel'

Feb. 19th, 2018



Anyone seem Hope Summers since we got back?

Feb. 13th, 2018



My name is Dr. Hugh Culber, medical officer aboard the USS Discovery. I'm sure you're all aware of the ongoing medical emergency.

I want to tell you all to stay calm, but this is...unprecedented, even for me. I'm aware that there's casualties. I'm a doctor, and I want to help. If there are any other trained medical personnel or anybody with medical experience, please let me know.

Due to the...concept of the illness and the injuries as well as the attackers I think a self-imposed quarantine of the injured is a good idea. That won't stop me from coming to help you, though. If anybody does have an idea for a suitable safehouse, please let me know. We need medical supplies and urgently - clean, sterilised clothes you're willing to give up will work in a pinch as bandages. I don't think we have what I'm used to, but I studied old age medicine in the Academy. I need antibiotics, any kind of anti-bacterial agents you have that are safe to apply on skin and if possible, surgical equipment. Any meds you can acquire will be of utmost importance.

Again, if anybody else is willing to dig in and lend a hand you don't need to be a doctor. You just need to be dedicated, clean and I'll try and help show you the ropes.

If anybody has major or urgent injuries, please let me know. I can at least advise you.


This is bad.

Feb. 12th, 2018



What the actual fuck? This is not what I meant when I said this place needed to be more exciting.



[AA Crew]
Roll call, please.

Maria, I'm coming to you. Don't argue with me because I'm doing it anyway, so.

[Adams Family]
I'm going out. I need to find Maria. I'm taking a few things from the garage to fight with. Probably barricade the doors once I'm gone.

Jan. 30th, 2018



Would you like to grab lunch? Or go to the dance hall or something?

How are you finding it here?

Hansel & Daisy
So, to appear normal should we have a family dinner or outing at some point?

Jan. 17th, 2018



Never thought I'd wear an actual poodle skirt.

Everyone make it here okay?
[Hotel Block]
Y'all doing okay with the new deal?

Jan. 5th, 2018



Gretel )



[Hotel Block]
Max Eisenhardt has just petitioned the Jury and Council to prosecute any one of us who does not work hard enough on machine.

There is no vote on this yet, they are all still talking.

Jan. 2nd, 2018



I recognize now that the subject of powers or abilities is a complex issue. There are passionate opinions on both sides about whether or not we should even be proceeding with the construction of this machine, but for me the answer is clear, and I think it should be for all of us. We can't debate whether or not it's ethical or optional to manipulate our access to abilities, that power already exists. It's wielded by the Scientists who brought us here. We can't let those dictators keep it.

For those unaware, Hotel has been tasked with building a device that could control the Facility's accest to powers. While I, myself, have only been here a few days, I've read the constitution and collected enough anecdotes about the past experiences of individuals here to feel confident in stating that the scientists do not have our best interests at heart. For that reason alone we must push forward with the construction of this machine to give this power to those who hold our interests and our survival in their hearts. That is our government. That is ourselves. That is not the scientists.

[Gener Armitage Hux]
I trust you're feeling better?

Jan. 1st, 2018



[Hotel Block]
What if we don't care about getting powers back for the other blocks.

We don't have to get along with them, just play nice with each other, right?



[Darcy, Hansel, Nathan Summers, Matt Murdock]
I'm in November now. 333.

Hansel, Nathan - thanks for your assistance.

Dec. 29th, 2017



[Hotel block]
It looks like treason girl is permanently moving in.

Considering her seriously lackluster ability at not getting into trouble I'm thinking this is bad for all of us. Group punishments and all. Do we really want an idiot in our block? More than we already ha Also why do they get to push off their duds onto us? She should go back to wherever she started at.

Diana said if we get a majority that think her being here is a bad idea and we want her out, that Sharon and her will bring it to the scientists.

So go vote



[Echo Scientist]
May I ask why I was moved to a different block?
[Hotel Scientist]
Why I was moved to your block?
[Margaery Tyrell]
Are you still looking for clothing to use the material of? If so, I have several items you may be interested in that I have no use for.
Thank you for the kindness you've shown me in bringing me food. It seems I've been transferred to your block.
[Matt & Darcy]
I'm in Hotel now. I was moved to 517.

Dec. 28th, 2017



What the hell just happened?

Dec. 13th, 2017



it’s my fault that hotel punished everyone.

i let the animals out the night of the ball, because i thought they’d attack the scientists and then we could get away. i stole amos’ wire-cutters and talked river into coming with me to watch out.

i was stupid and proud, and it got everyone else in trouble. no one deserved to be punished but me.

Dec. 7th, 2017



Alright, who fucking fucked up this fucking time? Just because I can't beat your ass doesn't mean I can't make things incredibly uncomfortable for you.

I have medication I have to take and shit to do, assholes.

Nov. 2nd, 2017



[Court of Miracles]
A little birdie sang a little too loud about a party tonight. Rich folks never keep a close enough eye on their food, or their doors, so if anyone would like to take advantage of their fatuity, we all know how this one is staged.

Nov. 1st, 2017



Hansel, where are you.

[Friends (Sam, Bruce, Dean, Raven, Darcy, Joanna, Robin, Vex, Vax, and anyone else that may fit)]

As much as I hated the pink, I prefer places with a fucking door.

How many of us were picked this time?

Oct. 19th, 2017



Who: The Twins
When: Oct 19th
Where: Gretel’s room
What: Discussing the Moose in the room
Rating: PG, language.

Don’t let these scientist fuckers decide what you do. )

Oct. 18th, 2017



There really is no good way to do this besides to ask as many of you as possible, and hope for the best.

Among those of us here, who is the most honest man you know?


[Private messages to each individual, Hank McCoy, Ron Swanson, and Chirrut]

I know you don't know me, but I'd like to ask you a few questions.