Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'undertale:+sans'

Feb. 28th, 2018



All right. What's your perfect weather? Mine is: about 88 degrees, 80% relative humidity. Sunny days with periodic thunderstorms. Still nights. Perfection.

[ LEIA ]
Hey. I miss you.

And I wanted to tell you - there wasn't really a good time, I didn't think, during the last scenario, but times don't get that good. Rey told me about Kylo Ren - who he is. She didn't mean to; she thought I already knew.

I'm so sorry.

Feb. 27th, 2018



I put stickers on the new machine to make it prettier.

[Kira just accidentally made the weather switch to a blizzard. You're welcome!]

Feb. 24th, 2018



So we can make the weather do whatever we want?

Feb. 20th, 2018



I told everyone, when I got here - the day I got here! - that I didn't want to be on your Council. That I was a ridiculous choice. That I wanted off. That anyone else at all could put their name forward, and I would hand it right off to them. And what did I get? "Stay on the Council, Doctor." "You'll do fine, Bruce." "It'll build character, Calvin." So, what happens? What's my reward for stepping up and participating in this ridiculous Key-Club-Meets-the-Stanford-Prison-Experiment job I never wanted anything to do with?

Zombies. At the first second? first maybe it was the second one of the first meetings I ever went to - zombies. Rotting, murderous, highly infectious zombies. The next thing I know - the last thing I remember - I'm demanding to see a grocery store manager because the stockboy didn't have any brains. Literally. You have got to be kidding me. No wonder you don't have term limits. Nobody would run for this damn seat.

I want to go to the moon.

You're pretty tricky, you know that?



So someone mentioned Dinosaur World. Anyone want to come explore it with me?

Some of you get no say in the matter just so you're aware.

Mimi, Tony (616) & Rey
You guys alright after whatever that was? I don't actually remember much of it.

Feb. 19th, 2018




[Mr Stamets]

It wasn't
I'm sorry
You di
Thank you


Okay, this sort of... feels like a bad joke.

Feb. 15th, 2018



So I doubt their goal is just to kill us all. (I am probably 70% sure that is not their goal. )

So. Let's talk through this.

Who is confirmed to be a zombie? Is there some pattern?
Of those who are zombies, who have we taken out?
Who has been bitten or scratched and how long ago?
Has everyone with a serious non-zombie induced injury spoken to Drs. Culber, Strange, Grey, or Temple?

And since zombies seemed to have popped up in homes and it's been a few days of the undead crashing our cars and pummeling our rosebushes. Does anyone need or want a place to stay? Should we look into safehouse(s)?

And can someone take care of Tony Stark when you see him?

  • Tony Stark (A)
  • Bruce Banner (B?)
  • Hank McCoy
  • Sam Wilson 💀
  • Steve Rogers (A)
  • Bucky Barnes (A)
  • Bail Organa
  • Bodhi Rook
  • Robin Hood

Dead / Missing
  • Pietro Maximoff
  • Armitage Hux

Possible Safehouse Locations
  • Jail?

ETA: has anyone seen any female zombies?

Feb. 12th, 2018



[Mantis & Kieren]

You guys okay?



So the space race may have been bullshit, or this is what we get for losing. Either way. The game has changed. Our objective now should be SURVIVAL.
  • To the broadest extent possible, only travel during daylight hours, preferably in vehicles.
  • When inside, barricade doors. When it is safe, take the time to cover your windows as completely as possible
  • Arm yourself with what you have at home. Prioritize firearms and incendiaries. Molotov cocktails are super easy to make. Alcohol + Fabric. But knives, kitchen equipment, gardening tools, etc can all be used to good effect.
  • If you're not comfortable fighting, do not stand your ground. Run or stay with someone more capable.

Now, before the sun goes down, we need to
  1. see what the hardware store has in regards to barricades and weaponry.
  2. We need to establish secure locations for children and the injured.
  3. And we need as full a report as possible of who's injured and how.
  4. and who needs or wants to move (it looks like we're not all waking back up in our assigned houses now because Daisy?)

Am I leaving anything off?



Claire Temple would you be available for a minute?

[Edited to Add, Filtered Away from Children (under 16)]
Something happened at the party in the ballroom tonight. We were attacked by - for lack of a better word - zombies of some kind. I think they came from the lab.

Everyone should stay in their homes.

Feb. 10th, 2018



Do we ever get to see how many points we each contributed? Not that I need another way to prove how superior I am. My jello must have been worth at least 10 on its own, and I am the top selling Tupperware reseller in town.

These last 24 hours are crucial to the success of any dinner party, which is why I'm extending my invaluable expertise to you. If you need a second pair of eyes to look over the details to make sure nothing is missing, or any help at all, do not hesitate to ask.

Feb. 1st, 2018



I imagined death very differently.



These clothes are rather undignified.

I must admit, I am growing tired of being displaced.

Jan. 31st, 2018



Are we sure the objective here isn't to destroy America?


Jan. 30th, 2018



I've seen a lot, but this is weird even for me.

Are we meant to be acting all 'God Bless America' even if we're English?

And do I really have to go back to school?



I knew the mycelium network was...strange, but this is much more than I anticipated.

There are other people here? Is this some kind of...technological purgatory?

Jan. 29th, 2018



Okay, so since I uh, don't come from where most of you guys come from, I just want some info on what's going on. I can't seem to get anything concrete, like what is actually happening. You guys just all seem to have an opinion on it all. Not that I don't like opinions, but when one person's telling me the Russians are good and the other telling me they're evil? I'm getting some mixed signals here.

That was a satellite pun, for reference. Apparently those are some of the things you're trying to launch into the sky.

All the focus on the stars is nice, though. Don't mind that at all. They can play a starring role in the next scenario, for any scientists who are listening.

Jan. 27th, 2018



Having a human body comes with a lot of distinct disadvantages. My thought process is slower, my body is weaker and prone to injury and odd sensations of hunger, exhaustion, and restlessness. It is much harder to sleep than simply touching my temples to activate sleep mode. I find myself laying awake and thinking about things I rather forget. Feeling things that I cannot simply delete.

But I don't think I've ever felt as happy in a singular moment than when I first tried a chocolate milkshake today. There is nothing in this drink that is good for consumption, and despite knowing that, I drank it as quickly as I could even though the logical thing would be to savor the taste and the moment.

Unfortunately I experienced a rather unpleasant thing called brain freeze shortly after.

Jan. 24th, 2018



There's nothing like a relaxing morning at home imposed by your cellmate's inability to tell the bathtub from the laundry. Please don't expect me at the agency this morning; I shall be very late.

I accuse Galen Erso of working for the Russians. If our scientists down at the lab are attempting to build some sort of weapon, Erso should be investigated immediately. The last top-secret, all-important project in which he participated was destroyed shortly after its completion by his active sabotage. I'm sure he has little more love for our captors here than he did for his masters then, and I am quite certain he would jump at the very first chance to undermine the laboratory's work by colluding with enemies of the people. He's done precisely this before, in perfect cold blood, and none of us should sleep comfortably until he's cleared of wrongdoing or, more likely, removed from his post at once.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Jan. 23rd, 2018



I feel like I should be a lot colder than this. And a lot less nauseous.

The decor in this place is not

where AM I

Where is here?