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Jun. 15th, 2016


And the Lights Went Out

Who: Micah and Haru
Setting: The main courtyard in the center of the Nest

The moment the lights flickered, Micah frowned. He waited, watched them flicker again and got up from where he'd been sitting in the doctor's lounge. That definitely was something he needed to address. There wasn't much going on most days, which meant he'd packed the go-bags when he was bored. He went to the closet they were stored in, opening each one and checking the contents. Pleased that they were properly packed, he set three of them on the counter. Then he sent out a message to the other two medical team members and the rest of the 'net before grabbing his bag. He dug around until he found a few flashlights, setting the two spares with the bags, putting his in the third bag and waited.

When the power flickered again, he looked up, counting to five before it didn't come back on again. He grabbed his bag and flashlight, then headed out of the hospital. It was a great place and all, but if he was harder to get to, and his equipment wasn't working, it was no use to him. He could do plenty in the field. That was the perk of being an ER doctor anyway.

The walk was eerie in the half light, and much longer than Micah would have liked, but he made it to the center courtyard in the Nest, dropping on a bench to rest for a moment and half set up shop. Or at least wait until he was called upon.
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Jun. 9th, 2016


'net post


Despite the comments about shutting down facilities, I plan on being available at the hospital in the event of any sort of emergency.

- Doctor Worthington

Jun. 5th, 2016


Work Talk

Who: Micah and Maggie
Setting: Hospital

The hospital was nothing like he was used to. Micah was used to the rush of a big city ER and the most he he’d seen in New Eden was an allergic reaction to something and the set of stitches he’d just finished up. It wasn’t a bad thing. Seven stitches and a bandage was a good use of his skills, even though he was sure the nursing staff was just as capable of doing the job as he was, but it wasn’t what he expected. He finished up the task, tossing gloves away and warning his patient to stop trying to take apart their hover car and see a mechanic. A few notes in the chart and then he was back to the nurses’ station, leaning over the counter to look at the charts there, hoping for something, but not finding much.

Glitter and Giggles )
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Jun. 1st, 2016


Doctor's Orders

Who: Olivia and Micah
Where: Hospital\

I'll write you a prescription for One Uncomfortable Conversation. )
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May. 3rd, 2016


Definitely Not in Kansas

Who: Micah and Ian
Setting: The monorail, not long after arrival

Once he'd gotten to the island, bizarre as it was, Micah had been set to his housing pod. It was quaint, more than enough space for his one person, and the few bags and boxes he'd had shipped ahead of time, looked ridiculously small in the space. It was like too much.

The way the pods faced outwards, towards each other, caught his eye, but there wasn't movement in any of the surrounding houses or whatever, so it wasn't as jarring as it could have been. After a few minutes of unpacking his things he grabbed the gym bag he usually took the hospital and headed that way. Upon his arrival at the Long Life Healthy Living Center, he was greeted properly, given a quick tour, then told his services weren't currently in need. The head administrator suggested he take some time to get settled, see the island, or something of that sort, then waved him out of the building.

Without much to do with himself, he got on the monorail, letting it take him around the island, but not really getting off of it. What else was he supposed to do?

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