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Sep. 7th, 2016



Who: Dean and open to Lark
Where: Lark

The alarms started momentarily before the banging. One was shocking enough, but the thuds on the outside of his pod seemed to shake the very structure. Maybe it didn't seem that way from the outside, but inside had him worrying about the very structural integrity of the pod.

Dean was awake, dressed and down the stairs in a moment, communication device strapped to his wrist and already trying to find a way to mass dial everyone who lived in the neighbourhood. He knew the 'bots weren't programmed to do this, something must have gone wrong. "Fuck, don't know if this will work," he swore under his breath, then loudly said, "Time to get up folks, if the banging and the alarms didn't clue you in. Not got the first bloody clue what's going on, but some help would be appreciated cos apparently I'm under attack."

Aug. 16th, 2016


Shh, It's a Secret!

setting: Ethan's Pod - Puffin

Ethan had gone all out for the party, with the help of some all too friendly robots. One was manning a bar in his kitchen, pouring strong cocktails and beers, another was in charge of music. The whole pod was decorated in hanging exposed bulbs, golds and silvers, banners and bunting. It hardly looked like one of the pods that everyone lived in. There were signs stuck in the grass on the way in, with easy riddles for the password and guests expected to knock and give the password to whoever opened the door.

Aug. 3rd, 2016


'net post; Party Themes!

I need a distraction:

If you could go to a party with a theme, what would it be?

- Speakeasy
- Stoplight
- 1 and 2

Get creative! I need some good ideas.

Aug. 1st, 2016


[Net Post] Yoga?

I was wondering if anyone might be interested in doing a group yoga session? I'd love to lead us all through a through vinyasas if there is any interest.

Jul. 24th, 2016


In Search of Friends and Ink

Who: Annie and Clementine
Setting: After Annie's arrival, at her tattoo shop
Warnings: NSFW

Clementine was happy to have such a new talent arrive at New Eden. She'd not even realized she'd been itching for more ink until actually receiving some became a real possibility. But after she'd spoken with Annie, the idea for a rather large thigh piece formed in her mind and she headed off in search of her new friend who could help her achieve her goal.

She'd packed her knitted knapsack full of her Skylar and Darla strains, her favorite glass pipe, and a ripped out page from a book in her pod for her concept art, and rode the monorail to Annie's studio, knocking on the door before peeking her head into the shop. "Hello?"

Jul. 17th, 2016


help! help!

who: Eily and OPEN (someone from raven or lark? open to multiples!)
setting: business area between Raven and Lark

Eily was out, screaming Darcy's name. She was in full on panic mode, eyes red rimmed and glassy as she kept crying, because Darcy was gone, she'd just up and left and she didn't know where she was. This place was huge! What if she went to another nest entirely? There were tons of other sections, and sure they looked blocked off, but she was sure Darcy could get into them if she tried and then what if she'd tried but fallen over the sky bridge into the water down there and drowned!

So, she was fully, one hundred percent panicking. "Darcy! Answer me, please! Help! Has anyone seen Darcy O'Reilly?! Help!"

Jul. 4th, 2016



Who:Clementine and Johnny
Where: Outside her pod in Lark

When the lights began to flicker this time around, Clementine was ready. She packed her knitted knapsack with all the candles she had as well as a decent stash of weed, and slung her yoga mat across her back to head out of her pod. If she was going to be in the dark, she'd at least do it outside. Outside-ish.

She'd managed to get all of her candles set up in a large circle around her and lit, the little flames casting yellow light in a dome that covered her once she sat on her mat in the center of it. It took her only a moment to pack her glass pipe, take a hit, and close her eyes as the flickering lights finally petered out. Exhaling, she placed her hands palm down on her crossed knees and let herself float to the beginnings of a meditation.

Jun. 27th, 2016


Lights Out!

Who: Clementine and Ryker
Where: On a park bench in Lark

The lights had gone out while Clementine was outside of her pod, sitting on a bench in the common area of Lark. She’d taken a perch outside of her house with her glass pipe, her lighter, and a sampling of Darla to settle in for the storm. She could hear it rage overhead just enough and she loved every second of it. Storms always made her feel more connected to the earth, to everything it needed, and to how easily the populace could work with it, or screw it up, if they tried.


Jun. 11th, 2016


(Net Post) Attention Lark Residents: Are you bored too?

If anyone is interested, my pod is open for guests! I have a substantial stash to share with those who are curious and looking for a way to chill while we ride out the storm.

Anyone not in Lark: please take a rain check and come see me when the monorails start working again. I'd love to have your company.

Jun. 10th, 2016


The Best Gifts are Shared With Others

Who: Clementine and Ethan
Where: Clementine's pod
When: A while back, the night of the gift baskets.
Warnings: NSFW

She liked making new friends. It was a reflex for her to try and befriend someone and when the boy from the net had opened up that opportunity, Clementine had snatched it up immediately. She hadn’t bothered to straighten up her pod despite his imminent approach. Straightening up wasn’t really her thing. She lived in a world of mess and color and loved every second of it.

Grass, Wine, and Chocolate )


'net post - bored bored bored

Let's all do something. If you had to pick one historical figure to take to a frat party, who would it be and why?

Jun. 9th, 2016



This place isn't what I was told it would be.

Anyone got any intel for me?

Jun. 6th, 2016


Hold - Clementine and Tracey

hold hold hold

May. 10th, 2016


Green Thumbs

Who: Adam and Clementine
Where: Near the Farm

The island was strange to Adam, but strangely less strange than the world he’d left behind. He had never found his place, outside of the commune. Amidst the hustle and bustle of people who didn’t seem to care about anyone other than themselves and who had entirely abandoned their core values. If they even knew enough about them to make the choice to abandon them in the first place.


May. 9th, 2016


Who: Clementine and Ares
Setting Clementine's pod

Ares went home, changed into his T-shirt, running shorts and sneakers, and made his way to Lark at an easy jog. He was going to see Clementine, Miss Clementine to him, and hopefully have a relaxing night of singing and sex.

They had become friends her first day there, she was singing Patsy Cline's "Crazy" and he joined in and the next thing he knew he had an easy friendship with mutual benefits plus he got free clothes sometimes! He wasn't always sure exactly what she got out of it, but he was happy that whatever it was, it kept them together.

They were casual lovers, not exclusive, just enjoying each other. Clementine was like that. She was a free spirit and she put no demands on anyone else.

They were opposites in many ways. When Ares took his clothes off, he folded them and put them in a little stack out of the way. She flung hers all over and worried about finding them later. He admired her spontaneity. She seemed to think his habits were cute.

He knocked on her door, softly singing "Long Black Veil".

May. 4th, 2016


net post

Does anyone have any idea what powers this marvelously improbable and entirely impractical place?

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