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Feb. 1st, 2020


There are a lot of strange creatures on this station, some I have never seen before. They seem mostly peaceful. I assume they are being taken care of by people on board this station? Is there information available on these creatures?

I would also like to inform that station that I will begin teaching two classes as of next week. First there will be meditation classes. They will be held in the evenings on Wednesday and Saturday. We will meet at the park on wheel 2 unless someone can recommend a better location. The second class will be less formal. I will practising acrobatics and fighting forms in the park on Wheel 2 every morning. Those interested in learning are welcome to join me.

Jan. 9th, 2020


Here is an addition to the class list (Darcy, could you add it?): I'm going to offer piloting lessons. The first few lessons will be on a small and easy to pilot ship. Then you can pick your own and we will train on it.

My father will assist me for the more difficult steps. Illusions and a deadpan voice from the background going 'congratulations, you just killed yourself and everyone on board' are unbeatable teaching devices.

Would anyone be interested?

Jan. 8th, 2020


I can't be the only one that's getting sick of all of this bloody snow. We're on a space station. There has to be some sort of way of getting all of this seemingly random bollocks to stop.

Dec. 17th, 2019


Filtered to kids in school and their guardians, plus teachers/helpers/etc.

I hope everyone is doing alright with school!

Just to let everyone know, this Friday (Dec. 20) will be the last day before winter break. We'll take some time off between then until Monday Jan. 6th.

The little's playgroup will continue as usual except for Dec. 24-26 and Dec. 31-Jan. 2. Any of the kids too old for this group normally, but too young to be on their own, will be welcome to join in during the break. Mary Ellen has some little holiday crafts they can do and some games that everyone will be able to play.

If any teachers want to host extra classes during break, just let me know and I'll put them on the schedule.


Here is a digital copy of the class schedule that's up in the food court for everyone.

[OOC: if anyone needs anything changed/fixed/added you should be able to edit, or let me know and I can :) ]

Dec. 16th, 2019


Who are the doctor types around here? I need to ask somebody something.

Nov. 24th, 2019


Filtered from Bill

Can you all give me a bit of time to talk to my son? I just want to explain some things to him. All the news will be hard on him. Thanks, Kat


What happened? Why am I missing over three months?

Nov. 6th, 2019


Cut for images )

Nov. 3rd, 2019


Filtered to adults

I would like to offer weapons and protection for those who help us fight. Here is what we have to offer:

[Melee weapons]: Staffs, spears, axes, knives, swords. Of both Asgardian and other make. Some come from various doors but we also have some from Sagranda.

[Guns]: We picked up a collection of guns from Sagranda. No old-fashioned Midgardian stuff among it but if you want to blow a hole into a wall, we've got you covered.

[Protection]: We have shields and armour from Sagranda and some Asgardian shields. If anyone else needs something custom-made, I am in contact with armouries right now. On Midgard, you will look out of place with it but Dad has that covered.

And as a token of gratitude that you are all willing to help my son - I cannot express my gratitude enough - please keep whatever you take.

If someone wants to do some training before we go in, I'm happy to organise sessions.

Thank you all,

Nov. 2nd, 2019


Tomorrow would have been my wedding anniversary. Does this place ever get easier?

Nov. 1st, 2019


Video, filtered away from young children

(Abra's phone is on a tripod. The video shows her standing in front of a pile of useless items, (ie alien junk from shops that no one needs). She's in a room that no one uses and where she can't cause damage to the station, far from any apartments or other living spaces.)

I've tried to stop that clown, have stopped him from hurting a couple kids through the door but it's not enough. It's never enough.

(A growing anger enters her voice as she speaks.)

I need to practice. There's going to be loud noises and the floor may shake near (room and floor number). I'm going to be destroying stuff with my mind.

(As she finishes her sentence, the items behind her began to float up in the air. She turns her head, looking at them. One of the objects, an uncomfortable looking alien chair, smashes against the wall with enough force to break. Then an particularly ugly table explodes. She looks at the camera again and the anger has faded.)

Like that. If you want to come talk to me, see what I can do, donate some junk, let me know first for safety reasons.

Oct. 30th, 2019


What the fuck is this shit!

Oct. 25th, 2019


So, tell me about this place. Fun facts. Weird shit. Stuff I probably shouldn't touch.

Weirded out yet?

You already know, don't you?

[OOC: TW for homophobic language in comments between Bill and Richie]

Oct. 22nd, 2019


So, Bill told me that some of my stuff would show up, but I'm pretty sure all of this is from when I was like 12 or some shit. What the fuck am I supposed to do with all of this?

Jul. 11th, 2019


I've been here for over a year now. Huh.

Oh, also. Spaceships. What should I look for in a good one? I mean, I know there's hundreds of the things just lying around the station, but I can't exactly go round and check their mileage, kick all their tires and ask the sales guy how many miles they'll get per gallon. I know zilch about spaceships.

Help! Specifically with the spaceships thing and the flying of said spaceship. Brenna wants to go on road trips.

Jul. 6th, 2019


Hi. Could I get opinions and feedback on a story, please? I've been working on it for weeks with Mr Torrance as part of class and I want to know what people think. It's about 12,000 words or so and it's kinda creepy, sorry.

[Fake cut to Bill's story. He's clearly improved since the last story he posted on the network, and he's already started going down the Horror route. It's a story about a woman who's slowly being possessed by something. It has two narrators, the woman herself as she gradually realizes that she's being taken over and trapped in her own mind, and her boyfriend who is slower on the uptake and who eventually works out what's happening and how he has to fix it. The only "bad" part of the story is the ending, which feels slightly forced where the rest of the story flows pretty well. But Bill just wants a happy ending where the story kind of... doesn't.]

Jun. 9th, 2019


There's only so long I can be expected to sit and twiddle my thumbs, doing nothing. And there's only so many times I can look around this bloody place. So in the interest of keeping what is left of my sanity strung together, I'm offering my services out to the station. Here's my card.

Business card )

May. 26th, 2019


I can’t figure this one out at all. There wasn’t even a countdown this time.

Is anyone else here? Audrey? Vax? Raven? Gretel?!

Where the hell am I?

May. 22nd, 2019


I was trying to think of some sort of cool introduction, and then I remembered that I'm really not cool. So, then I proved I was 'really not cool' by trying to come up with some sort of pun or catchphrsae introduction. But uh... embarrassing!

So let's go traditional: Hello, I'm Ciaran, it's incredibly fucking weird to be here.

May. 8th, 2019


Where in the bloody hell am I and where's the nearest pub? I figure if I am going to get some strange phone out of the blue I being as well making good use of it.

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