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Aug. 26th, 2018


You can probably 0% tell by looking. But I'm an #adult now.


I've been enjoying the festival all weekend, especially last night's pageant. As someone who comes from a society and culture where extravagant hairstyles are in, I have to say I'm still impressed with how big Miss Tumbleweed was able to get her hair.

I also never knew there were so many ways to create a tumbleweed costume. I've seen a lot today, including a young boy who had a variety of suckers and other candy all stuck to him - hair, clothes, cheek, arms ...

Now that I think of it, I'm not sure if he was in costume or not...

Aug. 20th, 2018


Note to self: I am never ever doing pet surveillance. I will not watch you dog while you're at work because you suspect he is up to no good. And telling you no doesn't make me a shitty detective either.

Seriously, poll guys. How many of you wonder what your pets are up to while you're at work? Lots of us, right? How many people would hire someone to tail their dog? If anyone of you answer that they would, I would like to suggest that you seek some help for your unhealthy obsession with your pet.

Aug. 17th, 2018



Oi, Team 2! Let's get down to business, shall we?

Name. Color. Captain.

Everyone gets a say because apparently this is only supposed to be for fun. And go!

* Flash Thompson, Max Guevara, America Chavez, Fred Weasley, Sam Winchester, Thalia Grace


I need a safe place to go to ground. The bananas are after me.

Jul. 28th, 2018


I'm Eliot. I understand you've already met someone who shares a strong resemblance in name, face, and hopefully an excellent taste in vests and alcoholic beverages. Some of you have been here for some time, and I am hoping you can help me.

This isn't my first time being pulled into another world, or my second, or even third, or forth, and so on. Some of you have also been pulled into other worlds which may or may not have been purgatory like before ending up here. I'm trying to get some information on my friends? They might have mentioned a Hell Hotel? Hotel Kairos?

Paul Rovia, aka Jesus
Claire Novak
Gretel (yes, that one)
Judith Grimes
Rowena Ravenclaw
Godric Gryffindor

Just looking to see if anyone else made it out. Any information you might have would be deeply appreciated.

[Eliot's Homeworld(s)]
So, hello. I've just spent the last two years in a semi-sentient, murderous hotel. How're things?

[Quentin Coldwater]
Jesus fuck, Q. Except not literally. Are you my Q? Were you at the hotel? Please tell me you made it out, too. I'm still in quarantine.

[Margo Hanson]

Jul. 26th, 2018


Is it a Midgard thing, to be painted and stand as still as if made of stone?


Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

Hey, read up if you're one of these:
  • interdimensional teleporter
  • interdimensional energy channeler
  • demonic/hellish realm-connected
  • something else related I haven't thought of
If you haven't noticed already, there's a hell dimension here. You might have accidentally connected with it or entered it. I suggest you don't do it intentionally. Right now, one of the factions is getting seriously pissed off at several of the others, and it might erupt. It isn't going to spill over here— they have no access— but if you go there, you could get caught up in their drama. Don't do that.

Jul. 20th, 2018


One week til the full. Are there any werewolves left now that Scott and Kira are gone? Well, Kira wasn't a werewolf, but she was close.

I used to live with a ghost and a vampire. Sounds like a joke, doesn't it? I lived with two different ghosts, actually. Now I'm just rambling. But it was a Supernatural Trinity and it was strong enough to raise a prophecy baby and defeat the devil.

So if anyone who fills those requirements wants a roommate...

Jul. 11th, 2018


I now have the COMPLETE COLLECTION of "aliens" from the crash landing. Which this time around look a loooot like people we know.

[Pretend there is a photo of the Displaced First Contact and extras from the big fight action figures here]

Jul. 4th, 2018


So I got myself in a pickle here. I need to get a job, but I ain't ever had a straight job. I used to be a criminal. Not anymore, no no sir.

But say someone was looking for a job and they had those skills, what would they do?

Jul. 3rd, 2018


[Filtered against Michael]
Not even gonna lie, but I suck at feelings. So who out there can walk me through how to help out a really depressed and sad demon? Right now we've got cocoa, booze, carbs, cookie dough, and hugs planned.

Sam Winchester, looking at you in particular.

Jun. 28th, 2018


Waitresses are beautiful creatures. The ones at JJ's just float around like angels.

[werewolves + sam + buffy]

This is my first full here, so I'm nervous. I don't want to hurt anyone.

For everyone else, Sam said I can stay in a room in his bunker for the night.

Jun. 24th, 2018


[Filtered Away from Mia]

My heart unto yours is knit
So that but one heart we can make of it;
Two bosoms interchained with an oath;
So then two bosoms and a single troth.

Do you guys think she'll like it?


What kind of lights are these?

Jun. 23rd, 2018


MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Someone is trying to force me into a foster home again and it’s not even stupid Captain America this time!! I
told them I already have guardians and their names are Nico Minoru and Chase Stein. Only they said they aren’t here. PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY ARE LYING LIARS WHO WANT TO FORCE ME INTO FOSTER CARE!!!! Chase? Nico? Karolina? Gert? Are you guys here???? Rufus and I need a place to go, so if you could show up so they can SHUT UP that would he nice.

Jun. 20th, 2018


There is not enough alcohol to make me forget the video today's case came up with.

So a local couple in town. Going through a divorce. Fairly typically stuff, I'm thinking, when the wife comes in. Open and shut case, he's cheating. She wants money shots for the court case.


She suspects that he's been putting some of of her things where the sun doesn't shine.

Trigger warning: Kind of gross. )

Jun. 18th, 2018


posted/delivered Monday morning, not at midnight.

Free beer at my house tonight for Murphy's birthday.

Selina and Cassie, you can come too but no drinking.


birthday present for Murphy )

Jun. 10th, 2018



I'm either going to need some sort of soundproof warding on my apartment, or, like... move before I piss off more neighbors. Who'd be willing to help me? I'll pay even. Cash or food.

And by that, I mean helping with the soundproofing. I am definitely not leaving this apartment in my state.

Filter: Johnny Storm
So how about a trip to NYC Pride in two weeks with your bisexual girlfriend? Not amidst the crowd per se, but I'm sure we can find a rooftop that won't be crowded.

Filter: Matt Murdock
Are we still working on being a better superhero without sight with meditation and stuff like that?

Jun. 8th, 2018


[ᴡᴇʀᴇᴡᴏʟᴠᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ]

Kara told me there's others like me here.

The internet says the full is on June 28.

What do you do around here for that?

Jun. 6th, 2018


Did you look like this when you were younger? Minus the glasses. Unless you had glasses.

It's really too bad Dean isn't here, I want to see his face when he finds out there's a Harry Potter who looks like he did at that age.

Jun. 1st, 2018


I am doing "market research". I understand this is very important to running a successful business.

How many people here use swords, blades and other edged weapons as their preferred method of fighting or defense?

How many people here are interested in acquiring an a blade or require a blade with unusual specifications or qualities?

Thank you for your response!

I would like to start a business. I have been reading up on it on the internet. I thought as a successful business owner yourself, you could walk me through the process you went through to get started?

Would you be interested in an apprenticeship? I thought after our discussion at the party you might be interested in the art of bladesmithing.

May. 23rd, 2018


The portal sure has a sense of humor.

cut for image, not an IC cut )

May. 20th, 2018


The hardware store isn't bad. I know a lot of tools because I used to help my dad repair the house. It was always falling apart. And I was the oldest, so I got to hand him the tools. I miss him.

But yeah, hardware store. Not like there's a lot of places in town for me to work, being an ex-Victor and ex-soldier.

ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴏғ ᴋᴀᴛɴɪss ᴇᴠᴇʀᴅᴇᴇɴ

I didn't get anything for Katniss for her birthday. We went hunting. I know she's not really a material kind of person, but I wish I could do something. I'm not the most sentimental person. I'm not asking anyone to pick a present out for me, but she's been here longer in this world than I have. Is there anything she likes here that I wouldn't know about?


Does anyone have a car I can borrow for a week or so? I promise not to get even a dent on it.


How would you feel about taking a road trip with me?

May. 13th, 2018


OOC: backdated to yesterday near the beginning of the power swap
Kate just [...] collapsed. She's breathing, and her heart's beating, but she's non-responsive. I can tell something weird is going on with people switching powers, so I'm not sure taking her to the hospital is the best idea - are any of you available?

And America, if you still can make portals, we might need a lift to the doctor.

May. 12th, 2018


I was perfectly happy not breathing. You can imagine my frustration when I woke and found such activity required for my continued existence.


So I've got super powers and I work at a candy factory?

This is officially the real Good Place, yup.

May. 10th, 2018


The cars that come through Gypsy's are all so stripped down. No superchargers or spikes. There's no need for that sort of thing here.

But if you do want something fixed up scary, let me know.

What kind of cars do you guys have?

May. 7th, 2018


I'd like to issue a warning for anyone who comes into contact with Holland Vosijk. He's a dangerous magician who, in the past, has endeavored to kill me, my family, and destroy my world. Please be wary of the information you provide him with.


Gansey had been speaking to Holland, and it concerns me.

May. 6th, 2018


[Stephen Strange and Sam Winchester]

My thanks to you both.

May. 2nd, 2018


[Private to Sam Winchester - backdated to yesterday]
The spell was a success. Your wards held perfectly. The demon Schrodinger has been exorcised from Alucard.

Now what do you suggest we do with Schrodinger?



The Roadhouse.

Bring your party hats, but not really. Just a lowkey birthday at the bar. Enjoy my purple confetti trick arrow. Buy him a beer. He's an old man.
How's the Roadhouse?


Filtered to friends, but not Wynonna or Doc, tw for slight gore and pregnancy mention )

[ooc: feel free to assume friendship things if you've talked to Waverly/want your character to be friends with Waverly. She's da best.]


[Sam Winchester]
So it's my turn to ask! What do you want to do for your birthday?
[Snow White]
Hey, Council Lady. Happy Birthday! Pick a night this week that you want to go out for some you time, or you and Charlie time, and I'll come over and watch the kids.

May. 1st, 2018


It's not that I don't trust people when they tell me I've been dumped in an alternate universe, it's just that I don't trust people as a general rule. No offense.

There is not enough whiskey in the entire universe for this bullshit.

Apr. 26th, 2018


I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who helped during these last few weeks while the Resettlement Bureau was getting on its feet. The primary goal of the organization is simple: greet new arrivals and set them up with what they'll need to get on their feet here. That means paperwork, helping them acclimate to Tumbleweed and Earth, finding their housing. The secondary goal is to study the portal, to see if there is a way we can figure out its agenda, where it came from, how to stop certain creatures from coming through or at the least, being prepared when they do.

These are now paid positions. If you were volunteering before, just come see me if you want to transition to paid.

You can see how outlook and agenda here.

Our open positions are as follows, and yes, they do come with health benefits. [OOC NOTE: If you are on here in a position, you'll need to comment here to get the ball ICly rolling, please!]

Tiny, I wanted to thank you for establishing the food bank. I'd like to work directly with you to help those who first arrive who won't have a paycheck for a week or so. The Resettlement Bureau can help, but you've already got that in place and it would help foster relations with others. Do you have plans to make it an actual charity?

Tony (and Tiny), any ideas on a time frame for the reactor?

Apr. 24th, 2018


I meant to introduce myself sooner, after Stephen asked for my consultation, but there's been a lot going on. I think I've introduced myself briefly to at least one of you at some point, but in case I didn't, my name is Sam Winchester. I come from a family of monster hunters and magical/supernatural chroniclers, and I've been dealing with the supernatural things in my home world almost all my life.

I've already talked some with Stephen about his plans for helping you, and I'm working on researching your source material, but if there's anything you'd particularly like me to know, please tell me. I'd like this to go well for everyone involved.

Apr. 23rd, 2018


You're looking at the proud manager of The Magic Box. I just finished the interview with Mr Chassé a little while ago. I'm not exactly pleased with needing to find a job. I'd rather focus on my studies and such, but as far as jobs go, this one is not too bad, and what the shop sells matches a lot of my own interests. When Mr Chassé told me that nobody believes in witchcraft in town, I had to bite my tongue.

This job will not distract me from the other projects that I've been working on.

Private to Magic Users )
Private to Sam Winchester )
Private to Integra Hellsing )
Private to Julia Wicker )

Apr. 22nd, 2018


Right so, I ain’t sure when we’ll be actually needing this, but I’ve gone and set up an emergency location for the Displaced for whenever shit hits the fan and we can’t go staying here in Tumbleweed. While I’d really like something like those bracelets we all had on the cruise for teleporting everyone no matter where they might be to be around for use, they just ain’t. Hit me up if’n ya think you can make something like that.

I’ve been working to finish adding up housing options and gotten some people to help limit the path of the local fauna that might’ve caused us all some issues if they were allowed to run around everywhere. It runs on solar power and backup generators. Wind power is getting installed soon once I figure out where would be best to go setting it up. There’s a greenhouse that’s already up and running and livestock are getting settled in this week.

[Pretend there's some pictures inserted here for everyone to see.]

So if’n you’re wanting access to it, what you’re gonna need is a portal set up in your house or your place of business (if its Displaced owned). Put your name down here if ya want in and we’ll get ya set up. Just like on the cruise, only the Displaced will be able to head through them there and back.

Hopefully it won't need to be used, but better to have something in place than not.

Apr. 19th, 2018


Mal and I got married.


Apr. 16th, 2018


[late Sunday night]

I left you people alone for two days.

[Trish Walker]
How's he doing?

Apr. 9th, 2018


Sydney and Prague still look the same, if anyone's curious.

[Men of Letters bunker]
I got palačinky, trdelník and smažený sýr, but I'm not letting them get cold.

Apr. 8th, 2018


What's this Tumbleweed place like?

In the town I'm from, most people worked in the mines. I'd be willing to do that to survive. Better than what I used to do.

Did anyone keep a Pokemon for it's skill or was this all based on looks? I'm keeping Hawlucha to help with hunting.

...There is a place to hunt, right?


From what I understand, I'll be living in the Odair house?


When I said I might take a vacation, this wasn't what I had in mind. Not that I'm complaining.

Does anyone have a swimsuit I can borrow? ... Or is there a nude beach somewhere?

Name's Jim Kirk, by the way.

Apr. 7th, 2018


Can I buy you a birthday drink? Maybe a birthday burger, if they have those on planet Pokemon? With or without other friends around, whatever you're feeling up for.

(ooc: added in later)
We're doing drinks for Jo's birthday tonight, 4pm. Picnic in the Wela Volcano Park. I'm fine gathering food and drink, might need some extra hands carrying it though, depending on how many of you are coming.

We'll probably head over to the beach afterward for the other birthday party around 6 or so, too.

Apr. 6th, 2018


I'd been thinking of keeping the Rockruff I found, but then Sam showed me his Zorua, and we made a trade.

image, no filter )

I'm not ordinarily a pet person, but we immediately formed a bond. His name is Puck, after the character from Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream, because they both share the same sort of mischievous personality.

Apr. 5th, 2018


So I've got this evil-looking snake thing that I feel is just too on the nose. Who wants it? I'm looking for something more sloth-like.

[Sam Winchester]
Good news - I didn't explode when I stepped off the ship!


Just for the record: Mantines are amazing, and I wish Tumbleweed had an ocean full of these so I could pet them. They're cute, useful, AND sweet.

Which is probably why we don't deserve them. Imagine the crap they'd have to swim through. When I lived in LA, the beaches were gross half the time with junk washing up.

Still, I'm going to enjoy them while we're here.

Lillie, is there a way to donate money for conservation? Figure if we've got unlimited funds, I should use this money for good.

Mar. 29th, 2018


I have put together a report on the attack for review with suggestions for improvement and some of my own observations regarding what happened. Please take from it what you will. If you need anything further or additional clarification, just ask for my assistant Janet. She’s very helpful.

[Attached is about a 700 page PDF. It is an incredibly detailed but very technical, dry report of the attack. There are suggestions for improving escape routes, safety procedures, patrols, etc. But in addition to having a fairly accurate summary of the events of the fight, the report finds that nothing further could have been done to prevent the deaths of the two deceased and out of several thousand simulations run of the attack, it could have very easily been far worse. The report concludes that the number of deaths and injuries being as few as they were are a testiment to the skill, teamwork and dedication to those on the ship.]

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