Posts Tagged: 'christine+palmer'

Jan. 16th, 2021



Group Text to Peter Quill and Dr. Palmer


(1) Friday told me that Drax hasn't returned after telling her he was going to get something to eat.

(2) Pinged his phone. He's in a nearby park but not answering: [coordinates link]

(3) Quill, want to go make sure he's all right while med clinic is on standby?

Jan. 14th, 2021



First Aid Training

Hey guys!

So here's the reality -- I am your only medical doctor right now. Stephen counts technically but we all know he has horrible bedside manner, and I'm much more approachable. I am worried that in the event of a whatever (which could be anything because reasons), we don't have any field medics. For that reason, I'm offering a first aid course next week where we can go over some basic first aid, field dressings, and maybe amputations for those keeners ;)

Jokes aside, let me know if you're interested or if you have any prior medical experience. I could also use an assistant, nursing or admin, and I'm okay if you have no experience or are still a teenager. In fact, I prefer a teenager because they don't know labour laws yet. Haaaaaa, kidding again. Seriously guys, help me out here so I don't joke myself to death.


Jan. 11th, 2021



[network post]


Hello there, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Remy LeBeau, born and bred in New Orleans. Currently living the life of luxury in this fine establishment.

Been in Genosha for a while and I can only try to charm Friday so much before I require the pleasure of physical company. Anyone want to show me the sights?

Jan. 5th, 2021



[Network Post]

... I wasn't expecting this. Or to be here.



[Network Post]

FRIDAY says I am in the tower, yet....I don't know how I came to be here. Clint? Sam, Bruce?

Sep. 7th, 2020



[Network Post]

We're back!

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. We had a lovely time.

We saw there's been a lot of new faces while we were away. Welcome. And just a reminder that the portal in the Tower goes directly into our house. We like having guests but please give us a head's up if you're coming. It can be surprising to have someone unexpected walk through the house.

Hope everyone's been doing well while we were away.

Sep. 6th, 2020



[Network Post]

Locked to medical personnel )

Aug. 31st, 2020



[Network Post]

I would be remiss if I did not join in the introductions. I am Professor Charles Xavier, psychiatrist and educator by trade. I would like to thank you all for the quality medical intervention and kindnesses.

Mr. Stark )

Katherine Pryde )

Captain Quill )



Network Post

Hi I see I introduce myself here.

English is not my first language and Google translation it sucks.

I am Illyana Rasputina and New York looks good from my window is not Genosha so much better.

Aug. 26th, 2020



[Net: filtered to the Displaced] (MCU characters only)

Some of the new arrivals aren't aware, or likely aren't even part, of our situation. They aren't displaced, but I can see their fates are coinciding with our own. So from now on, I'll be using a displaced filter for those of us from another universe. Those coming from Genosha or that were already a part of this universe, won't know what we're talking about. Or it may take them longer to understand.

I wanted to let you know that the spell net over this city has registered some departures. Hope, Wanda, Phil, T'Challa, and Bucky are gone. This universe is unpredictable. I don't want to sound hokey, but treasure those you have for the time that you given.



[Network Post]

Fake Alexa keeps telling me that it's going to engage the fire alarms if I light one more cigarette. What is this building constructed out of? Fascism?

No, I'm not making nice and introducing myself. I'm lodging a complaint.

Aug. 7th, 2020



Text to Stephen

(1) Alright, be honest -- this guy seems like a catch and I really do like Costco...

(2) I bet he also drunk texts. And that means he drinks. Already a few more points in his favour.

Jul. 20th, 2020



Good morning!

I know it is early, but I thought I'd better post. I'm Shuri, previously in Oakland, California until I found myself in a park near Harlem about an hour and a half ago.

This multiverse hopping is exhausting. I could use a latte and maybe something to eat. I just stepped through a portal to 30 Warren, wherever that is. Is anyone awake?

Jul. 2nd, 2020



[Network Post]


Jun. 29th, 2020



[Network Post]

[private to Bucky]

Another sleepless night means I'm full of energy drinks and self-hatred. That means drinks tonight while you glare at everyone who comes too close and I get over the top, knowing you'll totally beat up anyone who I piss off.

You in?

Jun. 3rd, 2020



Network Post

I'm watching a movie. The plot concerns a beauty pageant where an officer of the Federal Bureau of Investigations goes undercover as a contestant due to a lead on an apparent bomb threat at the event.

Can someone please explain why 'whirled peas' are so important?



[Network Post]

I have a week off work and nothing to do. Which I guess is the point of having time off work, to relax and regroup and recover from pretend pneumonia (kidding, I actually asked for time off, had tons banked).

Who wants to drink and play lame bar games? I warn you, I drink like a white girl, so one person at a time. Too many, and I'll be in bed by 10 pm and that's just ... too real and lame.

May. 6th, 2020



Locked to Stephen

It's taken me a while to figure out what to say and I realized it doesn't matter because in one reality or another, you already know what this is about.

But I still need to ask:

Did you refuse to help Thor?

May. 2nd, 2020



Text to Jane

(1) Okay, first off, please tell me you're aiding and abetting your crazy boyfriend because that video that's going around? Looks SUPER bad for you.

(2) Also I know he's not crazy but I'm not in a good mood right now.

(3) Also also, you look like crap. Are you okay? Are those Asgardians feeding you right? They know what vegetables are right? I'm totally swamped so replies may be delayed but all these weird texts are my way of checking in on you and telling you I love you.



network post: viewable to all


If anyone's tracking their order for an epic shit storm? It's arrived.

Pretty sure this is the opposite of chill, Thor.

Quick question: Does this stop if we throw some virgins or goats on a bonfire?

Apr. 9th, 2020



[Network Post]


I'll admit it. Things aren't bad. Though maybe.

Maybe I work too much.

Mar. 22nd, 2020



I am here.

I've been encouraged to post a message on this forum, to make others aware another person has arrived in this universe. I don't know what to say, other than I am here. I don't think I've been here before.

Or perhaps that was another me, if she exists.

Which, apparently, she does, though I don't know where she is.

She isn't here.

Mar. 7th, 2020



[Network Post]

Has anyone talked to Bobbi? She left on a mission about a week ago and hasn't responded to any of my messages.

Feb. 20th, 2020



Text to Darcy

(1) Girl.

(2) I haven't seen sunlight in days. My hands are chapped from constantly washing. I am living on granola bars, twizzlers, and questionable liquids.

(3) Tell me news of the outside world. Give me strength to go on.



[Network Post]


I have been lax and remiss in my communications with you all, for which I sincerely apologize.

Rather than message you all individually, and then forget to answer, I thought this easier:

I am returning to Tonsburg. And as I type this, I wonder -- did I remember to even inform anyone other than my brother and his wife that I was no longer living there...

As mentioned before -- I am lacking in my missives.

I have also been lacking in my training and need to get back into this. I thoroughly encourage all potential sparring opportunities. Stormbreaker and I would be appreciative of it.

And as always, guests are welcome and encouraged. Come to my home. I have food. And coffee. And poptarts. And other things. I don't remember all that is in my cupboards. But there is plenty.

Jan. 15th, 2020



Avengers: Emergency Alert


Ross sucked it up and called for the Avengers, right after a hairy monster ate almost half of a National Guard unit.

We need three groups, with at least one heavy hitter in each team. Everyone else who can't power punch monsters can help with diversions or rescue ops. Monsters need stopped STAT. If you drop yours, tell us on the comm channel and go backup another team ASAP.
  1. Team One: Anyone not afraid of getting wet, head to Pier 25. That's close to the Tower. Besides people in air-tight armor, do we have anyone with a super special surprise talent, like breathing underwater?

  2. Team Two: Anyone used to fighting on foot needs to go to Battery Park. For those in the Tower, take the Quinjet on the rooftop and fly there. It needs stopped before it gets into the city.

  3. Team Three: We need volunteers who can fly or fast travel to get to the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge. That's over on SHIELD's side and where the biggest mess is right now.

Let me know which team you're on. If it gets really bad, I can activate E.D.I.T.H. to help out.

Dr. Palmer's at Metro General. Take any wounded teammates there, and she'll admit and treat them.

For S.H.I.E.L.D. & Strange )

Team List (& ooc notes) )

Dec. 11th, 2019



[Network Post]

Alright all you beautiful people -- let's hope that the world has stopped spinning and we can finally relaxed.

Oh wait, the world has to keep spinning for us to live ..but you know what I mean!

Been chatting with Darcy, and in deference to her amazing NYE gala, I'm going to do an after Christmas thing because lord knows I'm going to need normal people after spending it with my parents. Ew.

Boxing day! It'll be a quiet affair, with loads of water, hair of the dog (beer and wine, ain't getting fancier than that!), pizza and other fried foods and will be hosted at the Tower because I don't have that kind of living room space.

Also, thought it would be fun to do a Secret Santa ... or Satan, if you're into that kind of thing. Who's in?? Actually, even if you don't say anything, chances are I'll assign you to something ANYWAYS.

So stoked!


So whoever is going to be stuck with me, just wanted to let you know I'm a size small in sweats, (okay fine, my butt is a medium), candy is always welcome and money absolutely appreciated. Also, I'm all about the most random thing you can possibly think of that would make you go 'who needs this??' The answer is me. Always.


Dec. 10th, 2019



Text to Stephen

(1) Okay, vacation take 2. This time, there shouldn't be any end of the world catastrophes, right? Right?

(2) Even this crazy universe has to give us this month to relax. That'd be the best present.

(3) Followed by you not banishing my parents to a parallel universe where Satan does Christmas, a la Krampus.

Nov. 21st, 2019



[public net post]

Since Tony's not denouncing what's going on or starting a clean up effort, I'm surmising that something has gone terribly wrong.

Before someone asks for me to stop a bunch of angry teens: We monitor mystic or planet-wide threats, and this doesn't qualify for our intervention. I believe it's a matter best left up to the police, SHIELD, or the Avengers.

That doesn't mean I can't help out behind the scenes.

I'll go to the tower to help coordinate. If anyone has any further information about what's happening, I'd like to hear it.

Nov. 7th, 2019



Locked to Bruce

Buddy! We still good for you to take over Thanksgiving weekend? I mean, you have to be since you said you would be for that thing before. And speaking of that thing, how's you? All good for your green self?

Sorry I've been sticking you so much with the clinic -- the hospital has been hopping.

Oct. 26th, 2019



[Network Post]

Hot take opinion: Addams Family is the best Halloween movie.

[Private to Christine]
What do you need to worry about if you're going to be pregnant over 40?

Sep. 29th, 2019



[Network Post]

Shana Tovah. May your year be sweet and your name be written.

Sep. 17th, 2019



[Network Post]

I was advised to reach out through here. Hello, I am Gamora. I remember vaguely being here before, but details are thoroughly lost.

Thank you to all who went out of your way to rescue me. I owe you a real debt.

Sep. 12th, 2019



[Network Post]

So if you marry someone and a week later they disappear, is that some type of annulment, or? Asking for me-- I can't believe we (general we) have figured out how to make a nose stylus for your phone - you know, when you want to scroll with both hands and a nose - but still haven't cracked the code on why people just disappear from this universe. Or how to prevent it.

No, I'm not looking for sympathy or explanations. Just coffee spiked with alcohol.

Aug. 1st, 2019



[Network Post]

(ooc: backdated to a few days after this and a couple days before the flood plot!)

Public network post with FFH spoilers )

Messages for Tony, Dr. Strange, Wanda, and Fury, FFH spoilers )

Jul. 28th, 2019



[Network Post]

Clint Barton is better than me at darts. ANd pool and people ahould believe him when he claims superipriority.

He's also not old. Not like me. Look st my face Im the Cryptkeeper.

Jul. 18th, 2019



Text to Christine

So, uh... did you have a chance to look over those test results?

Jul. 12th, 2019



[Network Post]

Today was René Favarolo's birthday. He was an Argentine cardiac surgeon whose work revolutionized his field. Super modest, he was reluctant to be called the 'father' of the coronary bypass surgery but come on -- he invented the saphenous aortocoronary bypass, which is what we do today: take a vein out of your leg, and use it to re-route blood flow.

Google has honoured him today with the coolest little doodle and appropriately enough, I spent my early morning doing an emergency double bypass.

Cheers, Dr. Favarolo! I hope you're enjoying some barbacoa up there in doctor heaven, where everyone listens to you, no one lies about what medications they're already on, and your scrubs stay clean.

Jul. 1st, 2019



Text to Stephen

(1) Okay. I'm as proud and child free as you, one thing that we never had to argue about but Stephen. Really. I mean, REALLY.

(2) Calling a pregnancy a 'demonic possession'? Sure, there's the throwing up and the weird sleeping and bad dreams and yes, TECHNICALLY, a foetus is a parasite. But goddamnit, don't freak me out about demons when it's just what happens when people have sex.

(3) I even called my MOTHER and asked her to casually pray for me, just to be on the safe side. She cried tears of happiness, made my dad get on the phone with her and I had to listen to a 3 way blessing. By the way, I'm dragging your ass over there for Thanksgiving this year.

(4) So. Long story short. No demons, just a baby that will one day projectile vomit. And projectile crap. Sometimes at the same time.

Jun. 28th, 2019



[Network Post]

[Message to Christine]

I don't suppose you can check future men's medical records real quick for the results of my last few cancer screenings?

I know I shouldn't assume but I do not have chemo hair anymore...

Jun. 17th, 2019



[Network Post]

So. The time stone reacted to my other self showing up. Meeting your other self inadvertently? Not merely a trope. It really is a bad idea.

Your calendars and date settings aren't wrong. It was 2019. It really is four years in the future and it really is 2023 now.


Jun. 14th, 2019


[Network Post]

So this is… new.

My name is Ava. I’m pretty sure I don’t know most of you and I’m not very good at introductions so I’ll keep it brief - it’s been an interesting few days. If anyone knows a place to get a very stiff drink or a very decadent cake; do let me know. I’m going to assume specific cravings are normal after having just been transported to a new universe.

Jun. 13th, 2019



Private to Christine

Can I ask you a question?

About women?

Jun. 12th, 2019



[Network Post]

[locked to Hope]

Omg. I meant to tell you this sooner, but I had to PROCESS (and work because bills keep happening which is the worst part of being an adult) and it took me a while to actually have some time but OMG.

Prom Night aka Tony and Pepper's Wedding aka The night I kind of peed myself? I DANCED WITH A KING.

Now. This may not be a BIG DEAL for you but omg it is for me, hence all the capitals.

How the heck is this life?

And what the heck do I do now?

Do I just live life knowing I've touched royalty? I've obviously washed my hands since, although inside I haven't.

This is ridiculous. And I can't tell Stephen because he'll just point and laugh and somehow get me a ridiculous amount of Wakanda souvenirs that I don't want or need.

May. 20th, 2019




Greetings all. I am T'Challa, and I believe I know some of you - some I do not. But I have just arrived in New York City and will be staying in the building a version of me purchased? in the penthouse at 30 Warren, what we may call a diplomatic residence.

We have a Wakandan Outreach Center in Oakland, and I am more familiar with that area - despite my many trips to New York City, I have not gotten a chance to explore very much. If there is anyone willing to assist with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I hope to settle in. I have a feeling this will be quite the experience.