[Steve]Do you have any requests for what I make for dinner tonight? And before you ask, no I am not stopping and picking up pizza.
[Bucky]How are you settling in? I realize you don't remember but we did live together for a bit of time so I have some clothes and things for you if you want them.
[Sam]How are you settling in?
[Tony]I'd say congrats daddy but I've discovered that has another meaning now apparently. Which is... disturbing to say the least. I can't believe you made me a great aunt already. How are you?
[Pepper]I've bought a disturbing amount of clothes for my new favorite child, so I hope you're fully prepared to gush over them all with me. Is there anything you need?
[Public to the network]Welcome to everyone that's arrived and I have missed. If there is anything I can do to help you feel more welcome, please don't hesitate to reach out. I regret to say that I still move at a '40s pace but eventually I'll be able to keep up with everything. Hopefully.
Our apartment pool is going to be opening soon, would anyone else be up for a bit of a party to kick off the summer?