Operation: Media Frenzy complete.
Agent Morse and I have incorporated numerous media messages on both coasts, attributing attacks (Thor might not have meant it, but it still caused significant damage) to weird weather patterns. Climate change is helpful for once.
We've also found an expert willing to go on TV and speak about the magnetic waves affecting people as a result of sun flares. This should cover why people are getting random memories. Although it's strongest between those aware of the parallel universes, there has been an increase in hospital visits with fugue-like symptoms. Hopefully this answers all of that, and people will ignore anything in the future. If not, we have a few other options we can use.
Some pieces I need:
1) A location. I have a wonderful couch. It does not do well for Agent Morse's reputation to continue to sleep on it when we have to work.
2) Equipment. Multiple cell phones and computers are fine between the two of us, but this lack of tech is disturbing.
3) Volcanoes. Do we know that these are a result of cosmic interference or is this natural weather?
Any answer would be appreciated.