[Text to Tony]> Hey Mr. Stark!
> Happy’s voicemail box is full or else I would leave this report there? Maybe you could forward this to him cause I know he probably misses me a lot, hah
> But anyway
> I stopped two robberies this week?
> One at a comic book store and the other at an antique place. There was kind of some property damage at the antiquery cause
> Old stuff. Lots of old stuff that doesn't like my webs. The dude actually threw a letter opener from the 1700s at me and the owner let me keep it which was cool.
> Everything else was pretty quiet. Helped a girl find her dog. Walked this old man home and carried his groceries.
> Oh, I saw Dr. Foster too! We messed with some tech. And this is really minor and I probably don't even need to mention it, but I sort of pissed off an Asgardian. Which isn't really important but
> I think that's all, yeah. ✌️
[Text to Jane]I'm really glad I let you take apart my web shooters because the tweaks you made are
awesome. It holds almost twice the amount of web fluid now? I hope you're doing okay today 🙏