Posts Tagged: 'darcy+lewis'

Nov. 3rd, 2021



Public Post: Thor

The Harvest Feast will take place in a little under two weeks' time. I am very much looking forward to the Feast on Asgardia. I imagine it will be quite different from the feasts that we used to have on Asgard.

I hope that our friends at Stark Tower are planning on coming to Asgardia to attend the Feast.

Oct. 16th, 2021



[Network Post]


    Just got off the phone with the Mayor. What they're not telling the public is that the "demons" aren't figurative but literal. They don't want to cause a panic. Which is weird to me because we know aliens exist now so why can't demons? I mean, Thor is a demi-god alien who is still worshipped, along with the other Asgardians. Don't get me started on that. Ok fine, twist my arm, but demons are still on a whole other level.

    Time to suit up and hit a quinjet, portal, or Bifrost if you can help out. General coordinates are around 34.090259°N 118.291927°W

    I'm guessing this is a magic thing, so maybe anyone who can do that stuff can track down the source.

    Adding: If anyone needs help, give a shout out over the comms or to your comm buddy. Whoever's closest will help out.

Oct. 9th, 2021



[Public Post]

Apparently I'm going to be jumping off the roof of the Stark Tower Building.

Bring your cameras.

Aug. 6th, 2021



[Public Post]

Day 3. I've gone a bit stir crazy, I think. Three days resting, per doctor's and friend's orders, and watching far too much Netflix will do that to a person.

I found a bunch of cartoon movies from my childhood on one of those streaming services. While the nostalgia is nice, I'm itching to get out. I feel like I'm going to turn into a potato if I keep this up.

Someone distract me before I turn on another show?

Jul. 19th, 2021



[Network Post]

Что за черт? What the hell is this? I read the brochure but it doesn't make sense.

May. 31st, 2021



[Network Post]

[ooc: pretend this was posted on his actual birthday]

Happy Birthday, Old Man.

Congrats on making it another trip around sun.

May. 4th, 2021



public post

It's that time of year. May the 4th be with you.

Star Wars marathon party. Commons movie room. Floor 39.

You know you want to be there. Don't deny it.

Apr. 4th, 2021



[Network Post]

Happy Easter!

Don't forget, tomorrow is half price candy day.

Mar. 17th, 2021



[Network Post]

So... who wants to go and drink too much green beer and Irish whiskey tonight?

I need to forget that the tabloids now think I'm dating my father.

Feb. 12th, 2021



[Network Post]

I've tried everything I can think of, but I haven't been able to find a way to sleep longer than a few hours at a time. My dreams are so I am welcoming any suggestions.

[ooc: contains spoilers for Wandavision]

Feb. 3rd, 2021



[Network Post]

We're less than two weeks out from Valentine's Day. If you want to send a gift to that special someone, or to me, or anyone really, Friday is available to help you out if you tell her by the 13th.

[Filter to Tony]
I've been having weird dreams.

[Filter to Jane]
Weird question. Do you think I could get my PhD?

Jan. 14th, 2021



First Aid Training

Hey guys!

So here's the reality -- I am your only medical doctor right now. Stephen counts technically but we all know he has horrible bedside manner, and I'm much more approachable. I am worried that in the event of a whatever (which could be anything because reasons), we don't have any field medics. For that reason, I'm offering a first aid course next week where we can go over some basic first aid, field dressings, and maybe amputations for those keeners ;)

Jokes aside, let me know if you're interested or if you have any prior medical experience. I could also use an assistant, nursing or admin, and I'm okay if you have no experience or are still a teenager. In fact, I prefer a teenager because they don't know labour laws yet. Haaaaaa, kidding again. Seriously guys, help me out here so I don't joke myself to death.


Jan. 5th, 2021



[Network Post]

... I wasn't expecting this. Or to be here.

Nov. 10th, 2020



[Network Post]

I am done.


All these leaves, all these catastrophes, all this time off work means I had to make it alllll up. I haven't seen my bed in weeks. My pjs miss me. The couch in the tower med clinc is now perfectly aligned to my butt (sorry, Bruce -- it's mine now).

I need a break.

Anyone up for shenanigans that are super lame because I probably work the next day?

Oct. 1st, 2020



[Network Post]

Guys. We only have thirty days to figure out what we're doing for Halloween.

I vote we turn part of the Tower into a haunted house.

Sep. 17th, 2020



[Network Post]

Good news: I have a new phone.

Bad news: I spent all afternoon taking apart the head on the Benetar to get the old one back.

Sep. 8th, 2020



[Network Post]

Okay, SO. I have exciting news. I moved into my own floor in the building with Tony's penthouse. To celebrate my housewarming, I've decided that we ladies need a proper slumber party. Now, unfortunately, because I know myself, I'm going to make it 18+, sorry young'uns. But all the other ladies who can read this are invited.

No, Quill, you cannot come even if you wear a wig and a dress.

Yes, Loki, you can come if you want to shapeshift.

I'm looking at Saturday the 19th. How's that sound for everyone?

Sep. 7th, 2020



[Network Post]

We're back!

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. We had a lovely time.

We saw there's been a lot of new faces while we were away. Welcome. And just a reminder that the portal in the Tower goes directly into our house. We like having guests but please give us a head's up if you're coming. It can be surprising to have someone unexpected walk through the house.

Hope everyone's been doing well while we were away.

Aug. 28th, 2020



[Network Post]

I have taken it upon myself to seek initiation to the sorcery that is Swayze. Peter Quill, this is something you were not wrong about.

I may need to go stab something very soon though, before I turn into a vapid TV kardashian girl.



[Network Post]

While this is still frustrating, I have gotten time to catch up on a few things, including being introduced to "Netflix & Chilling". Darcy was kind enough to bring me a few things and introduce me to that.

Aug. 23rd, 2020



Oh, I’m Sorry. I Don’t Know How This Machine Works

Tony Stark )


So. Not gonna lie folks, kinda creeped out by some other dude calling himself Starlord.

Aug. 20th, 2020



[Network Post]

This is quite disorienting. Not the tech, that is very intuitive, but I doubt that one is supposed to travel through time to battle their own family and then through a rift in reality in such rapid succession. I was told to take care of myself, does anyone here know how this is done?


I have an infinite number of questions, sister. I will start with 3.

#1. Are you the Nebula who despises me?
#2. Is there actually no way off this planet?
#3. These Terrans, do you trust them?

Aug. 8th, 2020



Text to Darcy

[After Thor's message to Steve]

We've been in interviews all day. Thor's going out with Steve but I just want to lay in bed and eat cheeseburgers.

Come hang out and keep me company?

Aug. 4th, 2020



[network post]

Pack your flip flops and grab your passports, we're going to Genosha for Thor and Jane's wedding. We finally got everyone's clearance to get in, which was like jumping through hoops of fire. Rooms and venue are all booked. We fly out tomorrow night at 5 PM. No paparazzi or media allowed. We're allowed only one photog in designated areas.

Cap's come up with a 3 part plan: Recon, Distract, Evac. )

Private to Bruce, Darcy, Jane, and Steve )

Jul. 2nd, 2020



[Network Post]


Jun. 21st, 2020



Text to Tony

Happy Father's Day :)

Jun. 7th, 2020



[Network Post]

I think most of you probably know this by now, but I realized I never said anything publicly. Or, well, semi-publicly. I'm okay with all of you knowing though we're keeping it on the down-low from the general public.

Anyway, it turns out that Tony is my dad. So yeah. Now you know.

[Private to Bucky]
Hey. What do you think about going out with T'Challa and Natasha sometime? Like a double date sorta thing?

May. 24th, 2020



[Network Post]

I have seen so much Disney and Pixar the last few weeks while Mrs. Potts-Stark (I'm not allowed calling her Pepper anymore, since I started calling her Habenero last week) and Tony have taken on the United States and I take on their adorable and yet insane Morg-Borg.

So clearly since I'm not sleeping and I'm having my hair braided lately, Google has been my best friend and Tony -- did you know the Internet thinks you'd make an amazing Jasmine?

Now I'm wondering what kind of Disney Princess I am .... I'm thinking Moana. I love the water, and I can navigate anywhere.



May. 6th, 2020



[Network Post]

What just happened?

Did I just lose my citizenship?

Every lecture and consulting gig I had on the books has been cancelled.

I'm getting a warning and am locked out of my bank account.

Apr. 11th, 2020



[Network Post]

Do we need to talk about me having some sort of security? Should I? Do I need it? This feels weird.

Sif was talking to me about possibly needing some sort of security so that no one tries to manipulate Thor by getting to me. It's strange for me as just a regular person but I'm also really trying not go around like I'm acting like some kind of queen. I don't want to send the wrong impression.

Security guards. What? How?

Do you have some kind of fancy security now you're a Stark?

Feb. 22nd, 2020




Are you all right?

I've been out of touch and a bad friend. I'm sorry. How are you?

Feb. 20th, 2020



Text to Darcy

(1) Girl.

(2) I haven't seen sunlight in days. My hands are chapped from constantly washing. I am living on granola bars, twizzlers, and questionable liquids.

(3) Tell me news of the outside world. Give me strength to go on.

Feb. 6th, 2020





[text to Darcy]

> Hey, wanted to let you know that press release is still on hold.
> Trying to do it near the Senate hearing, which kept getting pushed back.
> Because monsters.

[text to Bruce and Hope]

> You both have chemistry and genetics experience.
> Can you double check samples from the drones?
> I've ran them three times and it's looking like vaguely super and soldiery.
> Like someone aimed and missed the bulls eye by a couple of rings.

[text to Rhodey]

> Any government rumblings about where Godzilla's buddies originated from?

Jan. 24th, 2020



[Network Post]

I am very tired and probably look it, but I wanted to introduce everyone to the newest superheroes around.

They already have a spot at Avengers tower )

Everyone meet William Stephen and Thomas Anthony Maximoff, though I have already shortened their nicknames to Billy and Tommy. They were born early this morning and are doing well. I will be in the hospital for a little longer but if anyone wanted to swing by, I would not say no to visits.

Jan. 15th, 2020



Avengers: Emergency Alert


Ross sucked it up and called for the Avengers, right after a hairy monster ate almost half of a National Guard unit.

We need three groups, with at least one heavy hitter in each team. Everyone else who can't power punch monsters can help with diversions or rescue ops. Monsters need stopped STAT. If you drop yours, tell us on the comm channel and go backup another team ASAP.
  1. Team One: Anyone not afraid of getting wet, head to Pier 25. That's close to the Tower. Besides people in air-tight armor, do we have anyone with a super special surprise talent, like breathing underwater?

  2. Team Two: Anyone used to fighting on foot needs to go to Battery Park. For those in the Tower, take the Quinjet on the rooftop and fly there. It needs stopped before it gets into the city.

  3. Team Three: We need volunteers who can fly or fast travel to get to the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge. That's over on SHIELD's side and where the biggest mess is right now.

Let me know which team you're on. If it gets really bad, I can activate E.D.I.T.H. to help out.

Dr. Palmer's at Metro General. Take any wounded teammates there, and she'll admit and treat them.

For S.H.I.E.L.D. & Strange )

Team List (& ooc notes) )

Jan. 1st, 2020



[Network Post]

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great time at the party.

[Filter to Jane]
We need to talk. STAT. Something crazy happened.

[Filter to Pepper]
So... what do you say we skip the whole evil stepmom shtick and go out for mimosas this weekend?

Dec. 10th, 2019



[Network Post]

Mark your calendars, folks.

We're having an epic NYE bash at the American Museum of Natural History. It's going to be amazing.

If anyone wants help finding appropriate clothes, let me know. I'm happy to go shopping.

[ooc: will put up a party thread next week so folks have plenty of time to finish a scene for AC]

Dec. 1st, 2019



[Network Post]

I don't like it when Mom and Dad fight.

Everyone okay?

Nov. 26th, 2019




NOTICE: Phil has personal experience with this situation and has offered insight on how to wake people up.

Stark is stuck in the game. We'll need as many here at the Tower to help assist Pepper and to act from a centralized location.

If you've found anyone that's still inside the game, they need to be brought to the clinic in the tower immediately. If you need a portal, ask here.

If anyone else has any skill with hacking, or knows anything about virtual reality simulations, Stark's tech team could use the help. Right now they're trying to keep the server stable and to find a way to those who are trapped inside.

Oct. 11th, 2019



[Network Post]

I have never wanted pulled pork on top of vanilla ice cream so bad in my entire life.

Also, does anyone know a good place to get a pedicure? I can't see my feet but they really hurt and could use some attention.

Oct. 9th, 2019



[Network Post]

Holy eff bomb, guys.

I totally forgot about Hallowe'en (Thanks G!).

What are all you losers going as?

I'm going to wear no underwear and be the sexy version of me. It's going to be hot.

Sep. 29th, 2019



[Network Post]

Shana Tovah. May your year be sweet and your name be written.

Sep. 5th, 2019



[Network Post]

You lot are an interesting group of Terrans. Earth isn't AS big of a shithole, like the whispers in space say.

Call me Talos. I know most of you already but you don't know me, so I wanted to introduce myself all right and proper now.

Aug. 25th, 2019



[Network Post]

Peter Shark, doo doo doo doo doo
Peter Shark, doo doo doo doo doo
Peter Shark, doo doo doo doo doo
Peter Shark

I can dig it. I don't know how this happened, and I don't know if I wanna know but now I'm suddenly attracting single moms and we all know they put out, soooooo..

Player shark....

Aug. 21st, 2019



Private to Tony

Hey, so... I was trying to do a thing and I ran into some security protocols I couldn't get past. Pretty sure they're yours.

If I promise that it's nothing bad and, in fact, something that will make you laugh, will you hook a girl up?