Posts Tagged: 'jane+foster'

Feb. 3rd, 2021



[Network Post]

We're less than two weeks out from Valentine's Day. If you want to send a gift to that special someone, or to me, or anyone really, Friday is available to help you out if you tell her by the 13th.

[Filter to Tony]
I've been having weird dreams.

[Filter to Jane]
Weird question. Do you think I could get my PhD?

Nov. 7th, 2020



[public to network]

Yeah well. That happened.

Fine, maybe I shouldn't have nanobot'd a suit of armor into my bone marrow. But like I told her, there's no takebacksies now that it's in there.

Sep. 16th, 2020



[Network Post]

This Friday, at sundown, begins the observance of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. I'll be celebrating with traditional foods in the common area if anyone wishes to join me.

Sep. 14th, 2020



[Network Post]

I guess I should have said something when I got here but hi, I'm Scott. Most of you know me anyway so I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I have not gotten arrested, beaten up, or done anything weird since I've been here which is pretty unusual especially if you know me.

Sep. 10th, 2020



[Network Post]

Dr. Strange explained what's going on and I'm still not sure I'm following, but this morning it was nighttime in 2017, I walked down the block, and suddenly it was morning in 2024, so...I'll go with it for now.

So hey, I'm Tandy.

Are there really Avengers here?

Sep. 8th, 2020



[Network Post]

Okay, SO. I have exciting news. I moved into my own floor in the building with Tony's penthouse. To celebrate my housewarming, I've decided that we ladies need a proper slumber party. Now, unfortunately, because I know myself, I'm going to make it 18+, sorry young'uns. But all the other ladies who can read this are invited.

No, Quill, you cannot come even if you wear a wig and a dress.

Yes, Loki, you can come if you want to shapeshift.

I'm looking at Saturday the 19th. How's that sound for everyone?

Sep. 7th, 2020



[Network Post]

We're back!

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. We had a lovely time.

We saw there's been a lot of new faces while we were away. Welcome. And just a reminder that the portal in the Tower goes directly into our house. We like having guests but please give us a head's up if you're coming. It can be surprising to have someone unexpected walk through the house.

Hope everyone's been doing well while we were away.

Aug. 31st, 2020



[Network Post]

I would be remiss if I did not join in the introductions. I am Professor Charles Xavier, psychiatrist and educator by trade. I would like to thank you all for the quality medical intervention and kindnesses.

Mr. Stark )

Katherine Pryde )

Captain Quill )



[Network Post]

I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Moira Kinross and will be consulting with my colleague, Dr. Banner as well as assisting Dr. Xavier with the reopening of the facility in Westchester.

I would like the opportunity to speak privately to anyone recently arrived from Genosha. I am happy to do so over this network or we may set a time for an in person meeting at your earliest convenience.

Additionally, If I may be of any help, please do let me know.



Network Post

Hi I see I introduce myself here.

English is not my first language and Google translation it sucks.

I am Illyana Rasputina and New York looks good from my window is not Genosha so much better.

Aug. 27th, 2020



[Network Post]

So... I guess I should introduce myself to all of you. Hi, I'm Kitty Pryde. I'm 21, grew up in Illinois, and was in my junior year at Columbia University studying Computer Science and Mathematics.

I'm not sure what else to say. I would love to find a Temple and a ballet studio nearby, but I don't know if it would be safe for me to attend either.

Thank you to all of you for being so kind and welcoming.

Aug. 25th, 2020



[Network Post]

Oh, it is nice to move my fingers enough to use this thing. It is also nice to be able to function not in a haze of painkillers.

I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Rogue, and, uhh, I'm new around here. And I'm also broken, so, if anyone has any recommendations for delivery food, share?

Aug. 24th, 2020



[Network Post]

[Team Science]
The comprehensive battery of tests that I have been running conclusively indicate that Bucky and I are also both under the influence of whatever has reverted Steve to his pre-serum state.

We haven't been able to determine the cause yet, but my money's on something in Genosha based on the timing.

[Separate Filter to Christine Only]
A decade ago, I would be celebrating this. All I wanted for the longest time was to get rid of the Other Guy. Now that it's happened, I feel oddly empty.

[All Wedding Guests (minus the bride & groom)] (added later)
If you all don't mind, please stop by the lab when you have five minutes so I can get a blood sample for testing.



public post

Echoing my wife's announcement, I too wish to extend my gratitude those who aided Valkyrie and helped free me from that prison. Thankfully, I am doing much better at this juncture. It was a truly and deeply distressing experience, and I am not yet able to bring myself to speak of it for overly long. I will say the collars are incredibly painful when activated, and that island is far worse than any dungeon that I know of.

It is rare that I offer apologies, but I deeply regret the circumstances as of late. It was not my intention do ill, nor to lure young Peter into trouble nor any further danger. I do hope the trespass shall be forgiven, and I will strive not to get caught again to do better in the future.

Private Filters to Asgardians/Jane, Wanda, and Peter Parker )

Aug. 23rd, 2020



Oh, I’m Sorry. I Don’t Know How This Machine Works

Tony Stark )


So. Not gonna lie folks, kinda creeped out by some other dude calling himself Starlord.

Aug. 21st, 2020



[Network Post]

Oh well, this is just awkward.

Private: Bucky, Bruce, Tony &, now including team science!
We have a small problem.

Aug. 20th, 2020



[Network Post]

This is quite disorienting. Not the tech, that is very intuitive, but I doubt that one is supposed to travel through time to battle their own family and then through a rift in reality in such rapid succession. I was told to take care of myself, does anyone here know how this is done?


I have an infinite number of questions, sister. I will start with 3.

#1. Are you the Nebula who despises me?
#2. Is there actually no way off this planet?
#3. These Terrans, do you trust them?

Aug. 8th, 2020



Text to Darcy

[After Thor's message to Steve]

We've been in interviews all day. Thor's going out with Steve but I just want to lay in bed and eat cheeseburgers.

Come hang out and keep me company?

Jul. 15th, 2020



Network (viewable to All)

Finally, some good news.

Because of those legal statements from our resident Asgardians and Jane, lawyers were able to broker an agreement.

The Feds want to settle for ten million in restitution and some community service from Thor, if he's ok with that. Mostly social appearances. You know. Say hi. Smile, wave, refuse to promote anyone else's political or military agenda. Go home. EZPZ.

Jane, if you accept, it means all of your assets won't be frozen anymore. Asgard won't be considered terrorist sympathizers either. Which we all know was b.s. and a total knee-jerk reaction anyway.

Jul. 2nd, 2020



Network + PMs to Val, Sif, Jane, Thor, & Peter Parker

Not to rain on any Captain Murica Parades but I got word from Legal about the whole terrorism and Loki thing. Read more... )

Jun. 29th, 2020



Private to Jane

I love you. Thank you for your support through this. I know this is not what you expected your life to be and I apologize for my part in it.

The fact remains, you are my heart, elskede and I could not live without you.

Jun. 18th, 2020



[Network Post]

Now that I have had a little time to try to read everything I can - I wanted to say hello to those who haven't run into me yet. Apparently I was here, then gone, then I got here all in a very short time span. I don't claim to understand it but I am not the Steve you knew last month, but I am here.

I have not seen you yet - can we remedy this so I can get caught up on how you are doing here?

May. 23rd, 2020



[Network Post]

What they don't tell you about living in a small village and not having any money is that if there's no Bifrost and you want to leave your small village and say, go to the synagogue in Oslo you either need a car or money for a train ticket. Plus fare for the Asgardian guard that follows you around. And I have neither.

May. 6th, 2020



[Network Post]

What just happened?

Did I just lose my citizenship?

Every lecture and consulting gig I had on the books has been cancelled.

I'm getting a warning and am locked out of my bank account.

May. 2nd, 2020



Text to Jane

(1) Okay, first off, please tell me you're aiding and abetting your crazy boyfriend because that video that's going around? Looks SUPER bad for you.

(2) Also I know he's not crazy but I'm not in a good mood right now.

(3) Also also, you look like crap. Are you okay? Are those Asgardians feeding you right? They know what vegetables are right? I'm totally swamped so replies may be delayed but all these weird texts are my way of checking in on you and telling you I love you.

Apr. 11th, 2020



[Network Post]

Do we need to talk about me having some sort of security? Should I? Do I need it? This feels weird.

Sif was talking to me about possibly needing some sort of security so that no one tries to manipulate Thor by getting to me. It's strange for me as just a regular person but I'm also really trying not go around like I'm acting like some kind of queen. I don't want to send the wrong impression.

Security guards. What? How?

Do you have some kind of fancy security now you're a Stark?

Apr. 4th, 2020



[Network Post]

Sometimes, it's so easy to forget that before everything we all used to be people with (generally speaking) normal lives. We all had to learn how to feed ourselves, how to read, how to be who we are...

Now of course, as household names, it's hard to remember that people actually do just call me Pepper. Not Mrs. Potts-Stark, Pepper Potts-Stark, CEO, etc etc. Believe it or not, my parents still refer to me as Virginia.

I thought it might be fun to bring us all back to what makes us human: our flaws. But not, those hard ones that make us vulnerable. Something interesting, something that you wouldn't expect.

I'll go first, of course.

I absolutely, cannot, for the absolute life of me, bake bread. Doesn't matter how hard I try -- it either doesn't rise, or it's too chewy, or it's not bread, it's crackers (that was a sad day). Don't tell Tony, but that might be the reason behind no gluten in our house ;)

Mar. 22nd, 2020



I am here.

I've been encouraged to post a message on this forum, to make others aware another person has arrived in this universe. I don't know what to say, other than I am here. I don't think I've been here before.

Or perhaps that was another me, if she exists.

Which, apparently, she does, though I don't know where she is.

She isn't here.

Feb. 26th, 2020



[net post]

That was dramatic. Even by my standards.

Hi. I'm in the Tower's med clinic. I'm using Friday for voice-to-text posts.

P.S. Don't say anything risque. Or incriminating. She's reading out loud.

P.S.S. If you really want to? That's ok too.

Feb. 22nd, 2020




Are you all right?

I've been out of touch and a bad friend. I'm sorry. How are you?

Feb. 20th, 2020



[Network Post]


I have been lax and remiss in my communications with you all, for which I sincerely apologize.

Rather than message you all individually, and then forget to answer, I thought this easier:

I am returning to Tonsburg. And as I type this, I wonder -- did I remember to even inform anyone other than my brother and his wife that I was no longer living there...

As mentioned before -- I am lacking in my missives.

I have also been lacking in my training and need to get back into this. I thoroughly encourage all potential sparring opportunities. Stormbreaker and I would be appreciative of it.

And as always, guests are welcome and encouraged. Come to my home. I have food. And coffee. And poptarts. And other things. I don't remember all that is in my cupboards. But there is plenty.

Feb. 3rd, 2020


[Network Post]

Hello. I am Steve Rogers.

Jan. 28th, 2020



[Network Post]

Not sure how many times I've been here but I can only say I remember being dumped into Central Park wearing my pajamas once and that's it.

So, hey. I'm Bucky. Guess I oughta make myself useful and get a job 'round these parts.

Jan. 3rd, 2020



[Network Post]

[Filtered to Tony Stark]

I understand you recently received a piece of life changing news for you and your family. I hope your taking the time to thoughtfully and emotionally engage with how that news is going to shape your life and what you want to do because if you hurt Darcy I'm going to disassemble you like old machinery. Not your suits. You.

Jan. 1st, 2020



[Network Post]

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great time at the party.

[Filter to Jane]
We need to talk. STAT. Something crazy happened.

[Filter to Pepper]
So... what do you say we skip the whole evil stepmom shtick and go out for mimosas this weekend?

Dec. 11th, 2019



[Network Post]

Alright all you beautiful people -- let's hope that the world has stopped spinning and we can finally relaxed.

Oh wait, the world has to keep spinning for us to live ..but you know what I mean!

Been chatting with Darcy, and in deference to her amazing NYE gala, I'm going to do an after Christmas thing because lord knows I'm going to need normal people after spending it with my parents. Ew.

Boxing day! It'll be a quiet affair, with loads of water, hair of the dog (beer and wine, ain't getting fancier than that!), pizza and other fried foods and will be hosted at the Tower because I don't have that kind of living room space.

Also, thought it would be fun to do a Secret Santa ... or Satan, if you're into that kind of thing. Who's in?? Actually, even if you don't say anything, chances are I'll assign you to something ANYWAYS.

So stoked!


So whoever is going to be stuck with me, just wanted to let you know I'm a size small in sweats, (okay fine, my butt is a medium), candy is always welcome and money absolutely appreciated. Also, I'm all about the most random thing you can possibly think of that would make you go 'who needs this??' The answer is me. Always.


Dec. 10th, 2019



[Network Post]

Mark your calendars, folks.

We're having an epic NYE bash at the American Museum of Natural History. It's going to be amazing.

If anyone wants help finding appropriate clothes, let me know. I'm happy to go shopping.

[ooc: will put up a party thread next week so folks have plenty of time to finish a scene for AC]

Nov. 30th, 2019



[Network Post]

I haven't slept in 24 hours virtual reality is complicated listen to Darcy she knows her stuff.

Nov. 26th, 2019




NOTICE: Phil has personal experience with this situation and has offered insight on how to wake people up.

Stark is stuck in the game. We'll need as many here at the Tower to help assist Pepper and to act from a centralized location.

If you've found anyone that's still inside the game, they need to be brought to the clinic in the tower immediately. If you need a portal, ask here.

If anyone else has any skill with hacking, or knows anything about virtual reality simulations, Stark's tech team could use the help. Right now they're trying to keep the server stable and to find a way to those who are trapped inside.

Nov. 21st, 2019



Texts to Thor & Jane - Backdated to 12 November Norway time,

Texts to Thor:
[1] Your Highness, I regret to report that trouble has befallen New Asgard that requires your immediate attention.
[2] Your brother, Prince Loki, has fallen ill and I cannot rouse him.
[3] He was apparently testing a Stark device for augmented reality.
[4] I am taking him to New York to find out what is happening and get help from Tony Stark.
[5] Please come to New York. You will find us at Stark Tower.
[6] Please also let me know as soon as you receive these messages.

Texts to Jane:
[1] Doctor Foster, I regret interrupting your much-deserved holiday with Thor.
[2] An emergency has arisen with Prince Loki and I am taking him to New York for help. His peril does not seem mortal but I cannot rouse him.
[3] I have contacted Thor with the details and a request to come to New York.
[4] If you receive these messages and he does not, please ask him to contact me.
[5] Thank you for all your help and I am very sorry to disturb your private time.



[public net post]

Since Tony's not denouncing what's going on or starting a clean up effort, I'm surmising that something has gone terribly wrong.

Before someone asks for me to stop a bunch of angry teens: We monitor mystic or planet-wide threats, and this doesn't qualify for our intervention. I believe it's a matter best left up to the police, SHIELD, or the Avengers.

That doesn't mean I can't help out behind the scenes.

I'll go to the tower to help coordinate. If anyone has any further information about what's happening, I'd like to hear it.

Oct. 28th, 2019



public net post

Ok, everyone who told me this was a ghost? You were right. I didn't want to believe it. You've all earned the right to gloat.

Anyone want to play Ghostbusters? Team Science, maybe? No crossing the streams type stuff. That containment unit in the movies is probably out of the question too. Maybe we can start finding a way to push it out of the work and living spaces. Create a safe space or something. Ideas?

Also, Steve's gone. I'll be steering the ship. First call? Might want to use the buddy system. At least until Strange gets back.

Oct. 26th, 2019



[Network Post]

Hot take opinion: Addams Family is the best Halloween movie.

[Private to Christine]
What do you need to worry about if you're going to be pregnant over 40?

Sep. 29th, 2019



[Network Post]

Shana Tovah. May your year be sweet and your name be written.

Sep. 16th, 2019



[Network Post]

Here's something interesting. Scientists have found one of the densest nuetron stars ever discovered. Over twice the mass of the sun but only 15 miles in diameter. That's close to being too heavy to exist. Much more mass and the density would collapse the structure even further into a black hole.

[Private to Thor]

My mom invited us for Rosh Hashana. I said we needed a break after the wedding. We're now expected for Yom Kippur.