Posts Tagged: 'ellen+brandt'

Apr. 20th, 2018




[Text to Ellen]
Hi, this is Gamora. Have you found anything new about the fight club? Things appear to be quiet for now, but yours was really a good idea and I'd like to follow up on it. Just letting you know if you're still in, I'm still in.

[Text to Loki]
Loki I am so sorry to only message now but I heard about your friend, is she alright? And you and Darcy? I was at the site, helping with the debris and things so I saw you from afar but couldn't even say hi. And I've been working strange hours at Stark's. Still, it's no excuse, I'm sorry.

Apr. 5th, 2018



[Network Post]


All right, people. Since we're stuck in this together, who needs a more permanent rent-free place to stay?

Shuri's been nice enough to set up a "Wakandan diplomatic residence" to help everyone out. Here it is, with a grand total of 20 furnished apartments, so grab a roommate if you can. You provide on-site security, if needed. She's got dibs on the top two penthouses, to turn it into a science playground. While she's busy moving lab equipment and setting up shop, you're stuck with yours truly. I can feel how thrilled you are.

If you need a job, I'm hiring. Security personnel, tech support, snoozy office jobs, or lab work if you've got the qualifications. False I.D.s provided to Human Resources upon request. You didn't hear that from me (even if you did).

Comment if you want to hop on board this crazy train.

Apr. 1st, 2018



[Network Post]

These people whoever they are have got some massive cojones considering they opened fire in broad daylight with armor-piercing rounds

Either that or they're just really fucking stupid

I know which one I'm putting my money on

Neither guy was feeling particularly talkative but I know what police station they were taken to so I'm saying there's nothing stopping us from going in, yanking them out and doing our own interrogation

Mar. 23rd, 2018



[Network Post]

Loki and I are having a lot of sex. Thought you all should know.

This is what you get.

Mar. 22nd, 2018



[Network Post]

Hello beautiful people. It's been a minute since I've been out and about in New York City. Who has some recommendations for nice places to go for a night out on the town?

Mar. 18th, 2018



Text to Matthew Murdock

So, I understand you're a lawyer. I'm recently returned to the land of the living, apparently. That's still hard to accept. But I've seen my obituary online, which brings me to my point. I'm legally dead. What can we do about that?

Mar. 17th, 2018



I'm only MOSTLY dead

Swanky hotel room courtesy of Tony Stark. Check.
Laptop courtesy of Tony Stark. Check.
Expensive bottle of whiskey courtesy of room service. Check.

Okay, then. Let's do this.

I read my obituary. That was a thing. My whole life reduced to a couple of column inches. They overlooked all the really interesting bits, of course.

A lot has happened in the last six years, I gotta say.

I've logged on to this network and read all some of the many, many messages. And looked at the user list. Wow. So many famous names. So at least now I know why I was given access. If I see something going 50 Shades of Wrong I can let y'all know. I was wondering.

So, anyhow, I'm Ellen Brandt and I tried to kill Tony Stark once. No hard feelings, I hope. It was just business. I probably shouldn't be writing this, but screw it. I have half a bottle of whiskey left and the worst already happened to me once.