
January 21st, 2019




Who: Simon Lewis & Isabelle Lightwood also Simon's mother and sister
When: Backdated: Early December; start of Hanukkah
Where: A restaurant
What: It's Simon's mom and sister's first time in the OC
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Simon still couldn’t quite believe that his mother and Rebecca were in California )




Who: Tyler & Caroline
What: Tyler ignores Caroline as his father's funeral
When: Today
Where: Church
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

I care about you Tyler. I care. And that’s never going to go away. I’m here. I love you and I always will. )




Who: Anakin, Lily, and Andromeda
What: Anakin picks up Lily and Andromeda and brings them to his "Warehouse Stronghold" (it's just his converted warehouse loft apartment)
When: After these texts
Where: Starts at Lily and Andromeda's apartment, to end at Anakin's
Rating/Warnings: Let's say high for event possibilities.

His neighbor wasn’t using it anymore, a casualty of the current events )




Who: Finn Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson
What: Coffee while on vacation
When: Backdated: Mid December
Where: A cafe in Paris
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Being back in Paris was extremely relaxing to Finn )




Who: Will Gorski and Lito Rodriguez
When: December, during the mistletoe event
Where: The Mall
What: Talking, kissing, shopping, whatever they feel like it.
Status/Rating: Low

At least the snow helped make California feel a little bit more like home )