
May 1st, 2018




Who: Clara and Liv
What: Girl’s night in
When: Mid April
Where: Liv’s place
Warnings: Liv’s on nudist brain… so nudity
Status: Log | Complete

Religious brain was awhile ago. Unless you worship the god of wine )




Who: Caroline and Marguerite
What: Telling Marguerite what she is
When: Tuesday, April 17
Where: Caroline’s house
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Like a vampire? )




Who: Laurence and Spencer
What: Deciding to be roommates
When: Shortly after Laurence returns
Where: Laurence's apartment
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

If you ever need a quiet place to study, you are welcome to my apartment at any time )




Who: Rainbow Price, with Freya at the end
What: Ilia comes to visit Chloe in the hospital after Chloe’s car accident.
When: April 16th
Where: Hospital
Warnings: Swearing, dream of parental death, mentions of car accidents

I don’t think you’re crazy at all. I know what it’s like, to talk to someone who isn’t there because you just...need them. )




Who: Pyrrha and Diana
What: Dreams of PvP
When: A day or two before dreaming of the fall of beacon
Where: Diana’s
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for pain and suffering

It was not your fault. You didn’t know. )




Who: Tyler and Caroline
What: Caroline wakes up a vampire
When: April 16th - early in the morning
Where: Tyler's place
Ratings/Warnings: Fairly low - some vampirism
Status: Complete

What did I ju- Why did I- A VAMPIRE? )




Who: Ren and Nora
What: Nora wakes up flustered from combat
Where: Their place
When: March 17, before this conversation
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete!

Somewhere in Ren’s sleep addled brain, it was dawning on him that something wasn’t quite right with Nora )




Who: Eliot Waugh and Yue Katou
What: Eliot finds out they have the same dealer
When: Recently
Where: The dealer's house
Rating/Warnings: Highish for references to drug use
Status: Complete when posted

... )