
September 6th, 2017



“I’ve applied to one place though

Who: Kanan and Ahsoka
What: A lunch meeting, chatting
When: Before Ahsoka messaged Kanan about getting a job
Where: Burger King
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

Somewhere where I can help people who really need it. )



Have you thought about telling your story to her? Or someone like her?

Who: Yang and Blake
What: Deep talks
When: A few days after Blake's therapy session
Where: A playground
Rating: Pg-13, abuse mention warnings
Status: Complete

I’m not ready to make my story public. )




Who: Ruby & Geralt
What: The full moon happens - Ruby transforms, Geralt puts his witcher skills to use
When: Tonight
Where: A beach, then Geralt's place
Rating/Warnings: High for two NPC!people getting werewolf-attacked while getting it on
Status: Complete

Two swords, one for for men, one for monsters. )




Who: Wash and Stefan
When: Late July, the morning after these texts were sent
Where: Casa de Anna, Lexi, Stefan and Bubbles
What: Explanations
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (update if necessary)
Status: Complete when posted

If you don’t mind me saying, you look like crap )




Who: Lina & Isabela (with a side of Hawke)
What: Discussing a rising cult situation while research is being done
When: Earlier today
Where: The Hanged Man
Rating/Warnings: Discussions of cults, brainwashing, demons, language, and Hawke and Bela groping each other (what else is new though)
Status: Complete!

People with families, normal jobs, copious images of their pets. No sign of a group leader responsible for being a charismatic devil worshipper. )




Who: Stubbles
When: Mid-Augustish
Where: Maison du Anna, Lexi, Stefan, and Bubbles
What: Catching up
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

If you ever have something bad going on with you...even if it’s really bad...I want you to come talk to me. )




Who: Peter & Kitty
When: Tonight!
Where: Outside the Court of Miracles
What: Fucking with bitches with unusual methods
Rating/Warnings: Nudity, gross werewolf transformation shit
Status: Complete when posted

You’ll know what to do when I point )




Who: Integra and Alucard
When: Recently
Where: Integra's MMA gym
What: A demonstration
Rating/Warnings: Violence
Status: Completed gdoc

...the moment Alucard received the message he was at the gym )




Who: Will and Rogue
When: 3rd September
Where: Taste of Home
What: Taste tester ;)
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Completed gdoc

I’m not sure it deserves your hatred )




Who: Vincent and Esmeralda
What: Unexpected reunion
When: Late August
Where: Court of Miracles
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

I guess it’s fate we both wound up here then. )