
February 23rd, 2017




Who: Gabe and Audrey
When: Late November
Where: Various jewelry stores
What: Engagement ring shopping!
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! )




Who: Marguerite and Thalia
What: Random meetings
When: Recently
Where: Costume shop
Warnings: Should be low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

Hi-ho the glamorous life. )




Who: Leon and Sharon
What: Sharon comes by to help Leon mourn his butterfly
When: Janruary 22nd, the day after this.
Where: Leon's apartment
Rating/Warning: Leon's pet butterfly dies and he has a sad, but otherwise lowe/none.
Status: Complete

To Bart, the best six legged animal to ever step foot in this apartment )




Who: Livwell
What: It's Liv's turn to drop the L bomb
When: Valentine's Day
Where: On some romantic cruise
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

How many lucky girls have you taken on a boat before? )




Who: Raven
What: Teetering the line, losing control and regaining it
When: 23 February, throughout the day
Where: Around
Warnings: Self hatred, blood
Status: Narrative | Complete

I fear who I am becoming, I feel that I am losing the struggle within. I can no longer restrain it, my strength, it is fading, I have to give in. )




Who: Finn and Rey
When: Backdated to December during the wish plot
Where: Finn’s place
What: Finn gets The Force! And kinda screws up.
Rating/Warnings: PG
Status: Complete.

That’s not how The Force works! )