
October 31st, 2016




WHO: Birkhoff & Kenzi
WHEN: October sometime
WHERE: Birkhoff's place
WHAT: Netflix and Chill
WARNINGS: FTB Adult situations
STATUS: Complete

It was their week off, right?  )




Who: Itachi [info]itachi & Mike [info]mikelane
What: A Visceral Visit
When: Late September
Where: Mike Lane Furnishing Art Gallery
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None unless one is triggered by discussion of blindness.
Status: Complete Upon Posting

Just lead the way. )




Who: The Doctor, and an appearance by K-9
What: Reflecting on the holiday and traveling the universe
When: Sunday evening
Where: His TARDIS
Warnings: Family friendly
Status: Narrative, complete

The Doctor was in, and he was ready to see another universe. )




WHO: Jill Mastrano Dragomir and Alak Tarr
WHERE: Some club
WHEN: Before Rose’s Arrival
WHAT: A first date? Kinda?
STATUS: log; completed

... )




Who: Harley, Helena and Christina
What: First family trick or treating excursion and a visit to a haunted house!
When: Halloween evening
Where: Their neighborhood
Warnings: Family friendly

Next year she should be scooby doo. )




Who: Elaine Mallory and Riddick
What: Off to Afghanistand
When: Evening, October
Where: On ze Plane!
Rating: it's them, so R? Actually this one is pretty tame!
Status: Complete.

She'd drag humanity kicking and screaming into the light. )




Who: Abigail Hobbs and Logan
What: Plot
When: Halloween night, after Abigail had the chance to visit a couple parties.
Where: Logan's home
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Possible mentions of captor-bonding, parental abuse, mental illness and violence related to Abigail's dream past.

A costume can't hide who you are. )




Who: Dean and Claire
What: Ultrasound visit
When: Early October
Where: Hospital
Rating/Warnings: Low/Cuteness, although there are some thoughts about Dean's dreams but it's nothing bad.
Status: Complete

I think everything is going to be fine. )




Who: Heather and Matt
What: Dinner
When: Sometime in August
Where: Heather's place
Rating/Warnings: Teenish/Talk of violence, about Heather killing a guy but there aren't many details in regards to that.
Status: Complete

I'm not in criminal law so if you did kill someone? You don't have to worry about me turning you over for prosecution )