
June 6th, 2016




Who: Caroline, Peeta, and Regina
When: Early this morning
What: Caroline experiences side effects from her dream pregnancy
Where: Peeta's and Caroline's place
Rating/Warning: Pretty low!
Status: Complete

Hold still. And please don’t ever become magically pregnant here. )




Who: Derek & Trevelyan
What: Therapy, and Derek brings along a dream 'gift'
When: Toooooooday
Where: Max's office
Rating/Warnings: Low - talk of group homes and mental illness
Status: Complete

So these dreams...I've been having them. )




Who: Merlin, Audrey, Nina and Gabe
When: Backdated to May the Fourth
Where: Disneyland
What: Storm Troopers
Rating/Warnings: Battle, etc.
Status: Complete

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )




WHO: Clint, Kate & Liv
WHEN: Early June
WHERE: A nearby bar
WHAT: Clint gets around to thanking Liv for the patch up, introduces her to Kate and Liv just wants to play video games.
STATUS: Complete

Now all she wanted to do was stay inside and play video games. )




Who: Elsa of Arendelle and Gale Hawthorne
When: May (post Memorial Day weekend)
Where: Cafe
What: Lunch and news
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )




Who: Kitty and Liv
What: Randomly running into one another, Liv has GamerBrain
When: Early June
Where: Near random music studio
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

I don’t know if that should make me worry or not. )