
June 5th, 2016




Who: Lara and Bo
What: Bo gets a blast from her past in her dreams and her flight response kicks in. Lara tracks her down and brings her back.
When: Morning of June 4th
Where: Around the OC and their home
Warning: Blood, language, self-hatred and Bo's masochistic tendencies come front and center

You can’t stop the guilt. But you have to learn to face it, to understand it, and accept it. And accept yourself. )


Who: Ahsoka and Li
What: Li's had a bad night due to Yang's dream, so she goes to seek out a friend for some comfort and company.
When: A couple hours or so after this
Where: Ahsoka's
Warnings: Mentions of dismemberment, otherwise pretty tame

Perhaps I should have looked at the time before coming over here. )




Who: Myrcella and Katherine
What: Manicure time
When: Backdated to April
Where: Myrcella and Jeremy’s house
Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Myrcella was looking forward to giving Katherine a manicure )




Who: Henry, Chloe and Revy
What: Best friend meet Girlfriend
Where: Local restaurant
When: Recently
Ratings/Warnings Low - language
Status: Complete!

It was incredibly important to Henry that this meeting between two of the most important people in his life go well. )




Who: Emma Swan and Caroline Forbes
When: End of May sometime
What: Caroline delivers baked goods with a discussion about dream pregnancies
Where: Emma and Neal's place
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Fucked up I know. )




Who: Dorian Gray and Vanessa Ives
When: Backdated: Mid May
Where: Dorian’s home
What: Dorian has a question for Vanessa
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly.
Status: Complete

Dorian had been planning the perfect way to ask Vanessa to move in with him for a few weeks )




Who: Jemma and Natasha
What: A stakeout, because it’s always Hydra
When: Early June
Where: Random abandoned warehouse
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Because it was -always- Hydra. No matter the world, Hydra would rear it’s ugly head like the cockroach it was. )




Who: Ahsoka and Raven
What: Therapy via Star Wars marathon
When: 5 June
Where: Ahsoka’s apartment
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Okay. I’ll let you know. Like a safe word. Ezra. )




Who: Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass
What: Blair is not happy with dream!Chuck
When: Backdated: End of April
Where: Victrola
Rating/Warnings: Mostly Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Chuck was the last person Blair wanted to see at the moment )