
April 11th, 2016



Ignore anything about any bars gettin’ demolished I was only 15% responsible.

Who: Harley and Helena
What: Helena returns from a business trip
When: recent
Where: their house
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 then swerves to hard R before a fade to black

Cross my heart. )



You are in a mood

Who: Logan and Rogue
What: Comforting leads to other things and well it was bound to happen with them eventually
When: recent
Where: Logan's apartment
Rating: really really high
status: complete

I don’t need to be spoon fed. )




Who: Jean Grey and Open
What: Anything!
Where: a diner
When: early morning!
Status: In Progress

Ugh )




Who: Revy & The Inquisitor
What: Coffee and donuts, and asking Revy for a favor that doesn't have to do with killing someone
When: Last week sometime
Where: The porn studio she works at, of course
Rating/Warnings: Medium-ish because, well, it's a porn studio and porny things happen and dicks, lots of those
Status: Complete

Oh, fuck, she was going to bomb this, wasn’t she? )




Who: Sharon Carter and Veronica Mars
When: Recently (April)
Where: Work
What: Discussing work and other things
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

Well, I definitely benefitted from your life changes. )




Who: Kate Bishop and Pietro Maximoff
When: April
Where: Gym
What: Working out
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Pietro entered the gym just in time to see Kate start to laugh )




Who: Anna of Arendelle and Elsa of Arendelle
When: April
Where: Arendelle Household
What: Gardening!
Ratings/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

In theory Elsa didn’t mind chickens )




Who: Luisa and Magius
What: Wedding planning
When: Early April
Where: A Local Cafe
Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

The wedding planning was going rather well )




Who: Athos and Remy
What: Chance encounter
When: Early April
Where: Supermarket
Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Athos was still contemplating the career change )




Who: Sarah and Conner
What: A guardian angel
When: Early April
Where: Community Centre
Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Sarah had a drop in clinic at the community centre once a month )




Who: Tyler and Carolina
When: Late March
Where: The gym
What: Random meet-up
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

How much longer are you thinking you’ll be using that machine? )




Who:Henry and Revy
What: Revy comes to check in on a heartless Henry
When: During the Dark One goings on
Where:Henry's apartment
Rating/Warning: PG for language
Status: Complete!

Henry without a heart struck her like something of a fleshy robot )



That’s Yangtastic

Who: Yang and Li
What: Roomies and Pizza
When: recently
Where: Their new apartment
Rating: Pg
status: complete
Read more... )




Who: Itachi and Elena
What: Surviving the fog
When: Saturday during the fog
Where: The dojo where they normally train
Rating/Warnings: PG!
Status: Closed/Complete Upon Posting

... )