
August 27th, 2015




Who: Leon Orcot and Veronica Mars
Where: Veronica/Sharon's Apartment
When: After the Shattered Sight plot
What: Leon stops by to apologize to Sharon. Veronica owes him her own apology. YAY friends
Warnings/Rating: Low/None
Status: Complete

Caught my secret identity and everything. Innocent blonde lawyer by day, taser happy supervillian by night. Out to rid the world of cops. )




Who: Gretel [info]gretel & Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley [info]doctor13
What: Gretel's had a small accident that requires stitches.
When: Backdated to Earlier in August
Where: UC Irvine ER
Rating/Warnings: Audience Discretion is Advised/Blood definitely, medical procedures, flirting, and language is a definite possibility
Status: Completed Gdoc

Are you flexible, Gretel? )




Who: Leon Orcot and Sharon Carter
When: Immediately after this log, the day after the Shattered plot
Where: Sharon’s Place.
What: An Apology.
Rating/Warnings: Low/None?
Status: Complete when posted

I thought bagels would be less crummy when I inevitably end up throwing them. Easier clean-up. )




Who: Team Sassy (Peeta and Alyssa)
What: Peeta is a little snippy
Where: Their house
When: During Shattered Sight plot
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Is this what PMS is like )




Who: Pepper and Elizabeth
What: Impromptu holiday
Where: A beach in the Bahamas
When: To the end of August
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Sidney Prescott [info]hellosidney & Hansel [info]hans
What: Home security purchase
When: Backdated to August 8th
Where: Breadcrumbs
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Language most likely, talks of violence, and guns
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

Maybe she was being paranoid after all )