
August 26th, 2015




Who:Max Rockatansky [info]madman & Capable [info]_capable_
What: A talk on the beach
When: Saturday 22nd August
Where: Max’s beach hangout
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: PTSD war veteran and rehabilitating cult survivor
Status: Closed/Complete GDoc

Hello, Max. )




Who: Katou and Akane
What: Katou takes Akane for a flight.
When: 15 August 2015, night
Where: Ze ocean.

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars )




WHO: Yuffie Kisaragi & Veronica Mars
WHEN: Just after Shattered Sight
WHERE: Dog Park
WHAT: Yuffie gets to meet Veronica in slightly better terms, and they take Backup out.
STATUS: Complete

Or make sure Yuffie didn’t steal her dog -which she hadn’t thought about before now )




Who: Felix, Jemma, Sarah and Cosima
What: Clone Club is meeting Jemma.
When: End of July
Where: Cosima’s apartment
Warnings: Family friendly!
Status: Complete upon posting!

But it was kind of a big deal for Jemma to meet Sarah and Felix )




Who: Leliana & Wash
What: Advice over cookies and coffee
When: Before Shattered Sight
Where: Baxter's Bakery
Rating/Warnings: Relatively harmless
Status: Complete!

Sometimes being with someone is all you need to commit to, and everything else falls into place. )




Who: Ashley
What: Things are getting real in her dreams.
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Her apartment
Warnings: Mentions of a pathogenic virus/biological weapon
Status: Narrative | Complete

That sense of dread had lingered with her all the previous day to the point of distraction )




Who: Dean Winchester [info]dean & Haymitch Abernathy [info]drunkstrategy
What: Coffee and a catch up
When: Backdated, Tuesday, August 18, midday
Where: Baxter’s Bakery
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Dean is cocky and Haymitch is just a really decent guy. None really.
Status: Closed/Complete GDoc

You're looking happy. )




Who: Riddick [info]riddickr & Elaine Mallory [info]ssadabsiannataz
What: Stalking a stranger.
When: Night, August 26
Where: Elaine's home.
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Rude/foul language. Riddick. Stalking.
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

Some men were nothing more than animals. )




Who: Mary Margaret Blanchard and Emma Swan
What: Talking about Henry
When: Backdated: Beginning of August
Where: A Bar
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

How did he manage to buy a bus ticket at eleven? )