
August 28th, 2015




Who: Peter Pan and Nico Robin
What: Robin needs some coffee!
Where: Peter’s coffee shop
When: Early in the Shattered Sight Plot
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

No One Makes a Coffee Like Peter Pan )




WHO: Carol Danvers & Ezra Fitz
WHEN: Backdated; Sunday following Shattered Sight
WHERE: Coffee Shop
WHAT: Two fellow writers meet.
STATUS: Complete

A better excuse for why he wasn’t getting any writing done. )




Who: Gary “Eggsy” Unwin and Nico Robin
Where: Out around Town
When: During Shattered Sight Plot
What: A chance encounter
Warnings/Ratings: PG
Status: Complete

Ah, there was a coffee shop. )




Who: Inara Serra [info]escort & Kenya Rosewater [info]kenyarosewater
What: Tea with a friend
When: Backdated, Wednesday, August 5
Where: Private room at The Need/Want
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Frank discussion of sexual situations/sexuality is a possibility, discussion of prostitution, and potentially some religious mentions.
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

Namaste. )




Who: Regulus Black and Jessica Moore
What: arguing over absolutely nothing
Where: Jessica's apartment
When: August 20th
Rating: PG for bitchiness?
Status: Complete

Regulus was on edge, and he really wasn’t sure just why. )




Who: Stahma
What: Another dream that makes her question life.
When: Friday
Where: Her mansion
Warnings: Mentions of death by being flushed out an airlock, otherwise low
Status: Narrative; complete upon posting

Or if someone happened to stand between her and what she wanted, they may just get flushed out of a proverbial airlock themselves )




Who: Peter Pevensie, Caspian and Susan Pevensie
When: Backdated: Last week in July
Where: Suit Store
What: Peter and Caspian picking up their tuxes
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

The wedding was now only a couple of days away and Peter was both extremely excited and a little nervous )