
July 18th, 2015




Who: Hannibal and Will
What: Making up
When: July 10th
Where: Will's house
Rating/Warnings: Discussions of violence and cannibalism in dreams
Status: In progress

While he cannot exactly blame Will for being angry at him )



I dreamed about this...thing. The Black Vortex. It grants you all the power you could ever want.

Who: Kitty Pryde, Gaz, and Logan Howlett
What: Kitty disappears, cue panick
When: not long before the dark skies plot
Where: gaz's place
Status: complete
Rating : PG-13

It was beautiful Gaz. I saw… all the mes. Everywhere and every when, on every version of Earth you could think of. We became each other. We held the universe in the palms of our hands and for this...brief moment, I understood everything. I could see into… the heart of everything. The dreams, why we’re here. )




Who: Pete Wisdom and Lina Inverse
What: Goodbyes before a sacrifice is made.
When: Tonight
Where: Outside of their townhouse
Rating/Warnings: Language mainly, end of times stuff, a sort-of-maybe character death, sads in the form of a severely broken-hearted Englishman
Status: Complete!

But we’re damned if I don’t, and I’m the only one that’s damned if I do. )




Who: Wendy and Rose DeWitt Bukater
What: Chatting over Acai Bowls.
When: Backdated to before the Giga Slave plot
Where: A coffee shop in Costa Mesa
Status: Complete
Warnings: None.

Any friend of Jack’s was also a friend of Wendy’s )



You're Secretariat, I'm Seabiscuit.

Who: Harley and Helena (asami briefly)
What: Having some fun of the illegal kind.
When: During the "Storm"
Where: Around
Warnings: child abuse mentions, creative uses of tongs and baseball bats, Harley actually being the voice of reason...





Who: Clara and Troy
What: Finally telling Troy what happened with Anakin
When: 18 July 2015, evening
Where: Their place
Warnings: Talk of violence, rest TBD
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

Regardless of what they thought, she would always do what she had to in order to protect them. Even if it meant not telling them about what had happened. )




Who: Tessa and Will
When: Early June
Where: Their home
What: Boom chicka wa wa ;)
Rating/Warnings: High
Status: Complete

I'm yours to do with as you wish )