
February 5th, 2015




Who: Clara Oswald and John Smith [Ten]
What: Clara is not happy about her father's sudden appearance
When: 14 January 2015, after this
Where: John's office at UC Irvine
Warnings: Vague mentions of death. Mostly tiny bundle of rage Clara
Status: Log | Complete

All right. Do you want to pick up where you left off or have you run you of steam? )




Characters: Lydia Martin + Hans Westergaard.
Location: The farmland where he keeps Sitron.
Time: 7 Feb, late morning.
Warnings: TBA.
Summary: Lydia gets to meet Sitron!
Status: Closed, partner thread, complete.

Parking in the lot for visitors, Lydia clipped a leash on Prada before stepping out into the sunlight )




Who: Vilya (DRAGONBORN!) and Neal...not!Dragonborn
What: Work chats, seeing how she's settling into the crazy, lunchtime, etc.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The Jean Grey Outreach Center
Rating/Warnings: Nothing too outlandish happening, I'm sure
Status: Complete

The Jean Grey Outreach Center, as it was officially called, was kind of a mouthful. )




Who: Athos and Aramis
When: Lunchtime
Where: Baxters Bakery
What: A question
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

At the very least I can just lock you in a room until you calm down. )




Who: Mary Margaret Blanchard and David Nolan
What: A romantic walk in the snow
When: Backdated: Mid December
Where: A Park
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

When it had snowed the year before, Mary Margaret had been out of town and missed it )