
February 4th, 2015




Who: Will & Rose
What: Cooking 101
When: Jan 27th
Where: Will’s place
Rating: Low
Status: Complete upon posting

Will was always happy to see Rose, she was fun and a really good friend )




Who: Athos and D’Artagnan
What: Puppy playtime
Where: Their home
When: Before the explosion plot
Warnings: None/Low
Status: Complete

Athos adored the puppy, Grimaud, that D’Artagnan had gotten him )




Who: Clara Oswald and Rory Williams
What: Clara goes to help with unpacking and catching up with Rory
When: 4 February 2015, after school is done for the day
Where: Amy and Rory's place
Warnings: None
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

Hey. And yep, I found the place easily enough. I brought coloured post its. )




Who:Ed and Neal
What:Being manly men and eating pizza out of boxes.
When:January 25thish
Where:Ed and Riza's

The automail was impressive in it's own right. )