
December 14th, 2014




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills
What: After arguing about Shepard's flirtatious tendencies, Regina accidentally does what she's good at and rips her heart out.
When: Recent-ish.
Where: On the Road/Regina's.
Rating/Warnings: High for language, heart ripping, snarky angst.
Status: Complete!

The pain was sharp, and then there was the feeling like all the air had been ripped from her limbs, and then... nothing. She felt absolutely nothing. )




Characters: Peter Hale.
Location: Cora’s hospital room.
Time: 14 December, afternoon.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Peter hated hospitals.
Status: Narrative, complete.

He made his way quietly back to Cora's room, expecting it to be full of the same people that had been there when he left. )




Characters: Lydia Martin.
Location: Cora’s hospital room.
Time: 14 December, late at night.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Lydia has something of a revelation while at the hospital.
Status: Narrative, complete.

Lydia could handle labels. )




Who: Roy Harper and Buffy Summers aka Robin Hood and Rapunzel
What: Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor
When: Backdated: Friday, October 31st. Evening
Where: A Bank
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

Roy, or Robin Hood, as he was currently under the impression that he was, stood outside the building )




Who: Raven and Regina
What: Meeting for some power demonstration.
When: Sometime last week, before Raven became a portal and beastbirds starting flying around~
Where: Her high school, then an open field.
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete!

Because this wasn’t the silly ‘twu wuv’ kind of powerful magic, but something else altogether. Something new. Something different. )



shitty time to not be able to dragon slave anything.

Who: Lady Lucky Neena, Lina, Ganondorf.
What: Neena and Lina think they can just walk in to his office, hair blowing dramatically in the wind with an explosion behind them, but things don't work out exactly that way.
When: Early November, after the attacks, before Lina and Neal went on their adventure.
Where: Castle Casino
Rating/Warnings: Snark, language, snark, and more snark. Violence? Explosions. Powerdick waving. The Triforce of Power. And the longing for pancakes covered in shame.
Status: Complete!

Neena was expecting bdsm gear, drugs, the bodies of dead hookers, maybe even some satanic altars. That's what creepy evil rich guys were into, right? )




Who: Lexi Branson and Lissa Dragomir
What: Lexi's not so careful with her compulsion
When: Backdated: Early December. Afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Lexi didn’t usually over abuse her compulsion )