
August 24th, 2014




Who:Korra and Peter
What:Peter makes a new friend.
When:sometime around the middleish of August.
Where:comic shop!

How the hell do you burn instant cookies? )




Who: Sharon Carter & Remy LeBeau
What: A date with a pretty girl.
When: August 19th, Around 8pm
Where: Newport Beach, surprisingly.
Warnings: PG13 for Language
Status: Completed GDoc

Remy LeBeau was no serial killer. )




Who: Myrcella and Anna
When: Mid August
Where: Anna's house
What: Moving and makeovers
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Myrcella liked Anna, she was bubbly and fun )




Who: Glinda, Elphaba, Effie Trinket
Where: Social Function
When: Mid August
What: Friends meeting and chatting
Status: Complete
Rating/Warnings: Low/None

Tonight however was extra special )




Who: Clary and Izzy
What: Deciding to be Parabatai
Where: Hanging out at Izzy’s
When: Late July before their 18th birthdays
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

It’s a pretty big deal in shadowhunter world )




Who: Dawn Summers & Remy LeBeau
When: August 26th, 7pm(A little forward-dated)
Where: Dawn's, then an office building on the outskirts of the OC.
What: Getting coffee and meeting a pretty girl.
Rating: PG13 for Language
Status: Closed / In progress

God forbid he go up there and it was her house and an angry father was waiting with a shotgun. )




WHO: Obi-Wan and Siri
WHAT: A celebratory drink
WHEN: End of last month (backdated like crazy)
WHERE: A nondescript bar/restaurant downtown
STATUS: Complete

Cheers to your victory! )




Who: D’Artagnan & Remy LeBeau (Cameo by Athos!)
What: Poor D’Artagnan needs a drink.
When: August 24th, Around 9pm
Where: Some not-so-fancy bar. Then jail
Rating/Warnings: R for Language & Triggers (Assault, naughty words, violence, blood, hatred against gays and Cajuns, Angry!Athos, rude people, grinding, sexual innuendos, blood, injuries, slash, bad music and strobe lights.)
Status: Completed GDoc

If he was lucky, they’d get into a bar fight. )




Who: Finn Mikaelson and Kol Mikaelson
When: Backdated: Sunday, August 10th. Late Evening
Where: A Bar
What: Finn isn't handling becoming a vampire well
Rating/Warning: PGish. Mentions of blood and thoughts of suicide
Status: Complete

Finn hadn’t been handling his transformation into a vampire very well )