
December 7th, 2013




Who: Gabriel + Dean Winchester
What: Brother in laws, finally chatting like real people
When: 12/6
Where: A bar - don't worry, Dean isn't drinking
Rating: Low - some talk of real crappy childhoods, but nothing in too much detail.
Status: Complete

If we’re gonna be family, let’s not act like we’re on friggen rival softball teams. )




Who: Roland and Verity
When: Early November, Christina's only a few days old.
Where: The Hospital
What: A visit to the New Mother and Baby
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Roland talked funny. She’d heard him say things like ‘you say true, I say thankya’... )


Who: Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen
When: Halloween
Where: Jasper’s place
What: Lounging
Rating/Warning: Low/None?
Status: Complete

.... )


Who: Rukia and Byakuya
What: The truth.
When: Backdated ages ago.
Where: Their place
Rating: G
Status: Complete

I've been having dreams. )