
December 8th, 2013



Well if we don’t get into trouble than something is kind of wrong with the world, don’t you think?

Who: Lara and Rogue
What: Lunch between friends and a business proposition. Kind of
When: December 1st!
Where: A cafe
Status: complete
Rating PG

Ah would hazard a guess the world was broken. )




Who: Maia and Billy B
What: Catching up, preparing for classes
when: late November
Where: UCI
Status: Complete
Rating: PG13

I love a good story. )




Who: Draco and Hermione
When: Mid-November
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Same BatTime, same BatChannel
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

'Jim is doing the turkey' sounds strange when taken out of context. )




Who: Dean Winchester & Zevran Arainai
What: Dean’s past comes back to haunt him.
When: 12/05 - Thursday
Where: The Garage
Rating: Medium for talk of adult acts between consenting adults on film, but mostly just shop talk about a bike Zev wants restored
Status: Complete

Bet lost is a bet lost, man. )




Who: Hannibal Lecter, Abigail Hobbs, Mischa Lecter
What: Dinner for the three of them
When: December 8th
Where: The Lecter home
Ratings/Warnings: PG probably?
Status: In-progress