
October 7th, 2013




Who: Link and Navi
When: Shortly after baby Zelda’s birth
Where: Navi’s House
What: Meeting the latest addition to the family
Rating/Warning: Very G
Status: Complete

Visions of the future )
Tags: ,




Who: Nicholas Wolfwood & Bella Donna Boudreaux
What: A bit of pampering
When: 9/30, after Belle's mission to Rome
Where: Chez Wolfwood
Rating/Warning: PG13
Status: Complete

I always figured if you like having someone around, you should show them )




Who: Integra Hellsing & Alucard
What: Alucard had a Dream
When: Evening/Middle of the night
Where: Their House
Rating: G, man, it's a first. I know.

It wasn't a mission gone wrong or a dream from his special unit days, no this was just as haunting but different )




Who: Obi-Wan and Bellatrix
When: Monday Morning, Oct. 7
Where: Near a supermarket
What: Obi angers a pregnant witch, which is apparently a very bad thing to do. Get himself turned into a cat. Yes.
Rating/Warning: PG for Magical Violence
Status: Complete
Note: This was written back before Bellatrix ran off into the sunset, but was held onto for timing reasons. But, like it says, it takes place now.

“Shoo! Can’t have kitties around the pregnant lady! )




Who: Lara and Sam
What: Thought bubbles and awkwardness.
When: 10/05
Where: Croft Manor
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13 for Lara's thoughts, otherwise 5/5 Adorbs.
Status: Complete!

I guess they won't fly, though. I was really hoping that if I scared them enough some survival instincts would kick in! )




Who: Midna and OPEN
What: Midna is working at her art gallery
Where: Art Gallery
When: Today!
Rating: Silly

Read more... )




Who: Grumpy Cat Obi-Wan and OPEN
When: Starting Oct. 7 (So during Speech Balloon Plot)
Where: Various Places
What: Obi-Wan's adventures as a cat...
Rating/Warning: TBD, Probably not high
Status: In Progress





Who: Theo and Pam.
What: Groceries.
When: Saturday night, 10/
Where: Grocery store.
Rating: PG-13 for Pam's mouth.
Status: Complete!

I am so sorry. )


Who: Beth and Wrex.
What: Shooting things.
When: The start of Balloon Plot Day.
Where: The Ranch.
Rating: PG-13 for Wrex being a dirty old man in his mind.
Status: Complete!

Maybe I'll grow out a beard. )




Who: Renji & Rogue
What: Cow Tipping, Attempt #2
Where: a farmer friends' field
When: the other day
Rating: no bigs, except for some language :)

What could she say? he was tenacious )