
August 13th, 2013




Who: Eli and Luthien.
What: Eli is protective.
When: Late Monday night / Tuesday morning.
Where: The streets, man. That's where things happen.
Rating: PG-13 for vague talk of vampiric eating habits.
Status: Complete!

I need the protection. )




Who: Blink and Tink
When: Circa August 7 (During the Body Swap Plot)
Where: Tink’s Auto Repair Shop
What: Friends catching up, confessions and sadness?
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Never fall in love with a straight girl )




Who: Luthien and Neena
Where: a deli
What: meeting, Luthien sings
When: during the bodyswap
Warnings/Rating: PG, Neena might curse a little.
Status complete

It’s a reminder that the dreams can bring good things, too )


Who: Dani, Lorna, and Wrex
Where: The Ranch
What: Planning a surprise for Dani
When: Monday
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status complete

Do you need me to vacate the premises so you can continue to talk about me and plot some kind of surprise for me behind my back? )




Who: Cora Mallory, Logan Howlett, Emma, Nate, and Scott Summers
Where: Chez Summers
What: fixing the bodyswap
When: 1:30 am Sunday
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 because everyone is cranky
Status complete

Just relax )




Who: Vala and Glinda
When: 10th August
Where: Party
What: A chance encounter leading to a business proposition
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

Well I just happen to be looking for an incredible events organiser and I do believe my luck may be in )




Who: Alice and Rebekah
When: August 13
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Random Encounter
Rating/Warning: Low/None (tbd)
Status: In Progress

It'd help to keep her awake, keep her from dreaming. )




Who: Sam Winchester and Padme Amidala
When: August 13
Where: The Law Offices of Weasley and Winchester
What: A job interview
Rating/Warning: Low/None (tbd)
Status: In Progress

It meant that they were suddenly looking for more help. )




Who: Elphaba and Glinda
When: 12th August
Where: Elphaba’s office
What: Disgussing House of Glinda project
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Are you not absolutely completely posilutely excited about how well this is all going? )



"Toshiro~chan. Ain't this a pleasant surprise."

Who: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Gin Ichimaru
What: A brief but not-so-chance encounter, in which Gin is a stinker and Toshiro is annoyed.
When: Recently!
Where: Somewhere in da OC.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

It’s Hitsugaya. )




Who: Dean and Castiel Winchester
What: Unapologetic amounts of sex with a d/s angle. Really, just sex. And tacos. But not at the same time, not exactly.
When: 8/13
Where: Their house
Rating: NC-really high
Status: Complete

Women's equality is very important, Dean. )




Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Myrcella Baratheon
What: Jeremy goes out and winds up at Myrcella's
When: Tuesday, August 13th. Night
Where: Myrcella's House
Rating: PG for mention of NPC death and agnst
Status: Complete

When Jeremy left Katherine’s bungalow, he hadn’t had a clear destination in mind )




Who: Alex and Portia
When: First day of the bodyswap
Where: His place
What: Bodyswap and sexy times
Rating/Warning: NC-17
Status: Complete

Something strange is happening )




Who: Merle and Faye
When: 8th August
Where: Her place
What: Dealing with the bodyswap
Rating/Warning: Low/Talk of being a soldier
Status: Complete

Not sure I can handle the idea of no more American Pie )


Who: Turin Turambar and Jefferson Chapelier
What: Getting a new outfit
When: 8/11, midafternoon
Where: Jefferson's shop
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Something snazzy, and man sexy )




Who: Cersei Lannister & Alice Morgan
What: Sizing each other up
When: 8/11
Where: A high-end liquor store
Rating: PG-13, minor discussion of murder
Status: Complete

Beautiful, amoral and trapped )




Who: Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood
What: A night out leads to a night in
When: Backdated: Friday, July 12th. Evening
Where: A club then Magnus' house
Rating: Hard R for a sexual act
Status: Complete

Alec had been looking forward to spending the night with his boyfriend and dancing at the club was proving to be fun )