
July 21st, 2013




Who: Pansy Malfoy and Peter Parker
When: Mid July
Where: Their place!
What: Living together
Rating/Warning: This one's just smut, really. XD
Status: Complete!

Rather like the idea of you screaming my name over and over again and not having to worry about your brother, or my roommates. )




Who: Remus Lupin & Huck Finn
When: Somtime in July
Where: Bookstore in Irvine
What: Random run in, discussing books and writing
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Remus had gone through most of the books that he’d bought during the school year )




Who: Giles Babcock & Kirsty Cotton
When: Let's say Friday?
Where: The Babcock-Cotton home
What: Comfort, then sex
Rating: NC-17? I dunno how the American rating system really works. Just...triggery and sex.
Status: Complete

What is so wrong with me that monsters keep falling in love with me? )


Who: Margaery and John
When: Recently
Where: Law Office
What: Intern Day #1
Rating/Warning: None/Low
Status: Complete

Read more... )



Mmmm, what gave you that idea?

Who: Alex and Lorna
Where: Urdnot Ranch
What: Alex and Lorna talk, fight husks, and have sex
When: During the invasion of the Husks
Warnings/Rating: NC-17 for violence, and for graphic kinky sex
Status complete

Oh I have no idea. None at all. )




Who: Renly Baratheon and Portia
When: Backdated Saturday, July 20th. Afternoon
Where: The Beach just behind Renly's House
What: Catching up and talking about a job offer
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

It had been a few weeks since Renly had last seen Portia )




Who: Jim Kirk and Hermione Granger
When: Recently, after the Husks
Where: Their Place
What: Reunited and it feels so good?
Rating/Warning: Low, surprisingly
Status: Complete!

Hermione’s book was forgotten the instant Jim came over and bent above her. )



They groom each other and pick bugs out of their hair. Like this.

Who: Severus Snape and Romana
When: Some Saturday in July
Where: San Diego Wild Animal Park
What: Visiting the Animals
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

She teasingly plucked bugs out of Daisy’s hair. )