
May 7th, 2013




Who: Nate and Toph
Where: Her house
What: Nate goes to see her and gives her a gift.
When: a few days ago
Warnings/Rating: PG-13ish
Status complete

Surprise! )




Who: Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Motoko Kusanagi
What: This is what happens when a relative working for Interpol visits a relative that's a kabuki clown mad scientist.
When: Recently
Where: SRDI (Shinigami Research & Development Institute)
Rating: Lowish iirc, but some mention of self-surgery, etc
Status: Complete!

I'm in an investigation, and I could use your help. )




Who: Motoko Kusanagi, Gin Ichimaru
What: Dropping in for random questioning and someone just dunnit want to give no answers! Eeesh!
When: After the run in with Khamul and probably before his phone convo with Ty Lee
Where: Gin's house in the OC
Rating: Low, not much that I'm aware of! It's pretty tame.
Status: Complete!

Whatever ya got ta sell? I ain't buyin'. )




Who: Les Amis and Open To Interested Parties
When: May 7th Afternoon and Evening
Where: Campus Cafe
What: An Open Meeting
Warnings: None, so far. Will update
Notes: Whoever wanted to hang out with Les Amis more? Now is your chance. This is an open meeting, designed to familiarize people with what the group does/works for, and ways to get involved that I've been threatening to put up for a while.
There is a chinchilla in a bowtie here. You've gotta come )



Ah... I think this is the point you must go alone. I cannot approach the door.

Who: Kitty, Emma, Gaz, Obi-wan, Illyana. With guest appearances by Nathan and Faiza
What: Kitty accidentally draws some of her friends into a fantasy adventure! Obi-wan and Gaz face tests of character.
When: 5/5 late at night
Where: Fantasy Fairytale Land
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg-13 for killing things

I suppose only person can enter as well. )



It'll be all right

Who: Kitty, Emma, Gaz, Obi-wan, Illyana. With guest appearances by Rachel Grey and Alicia, and the 'princess' at the end of the castle.
What: Kitty accidentally draws some of her friends into a fantasy adventure! The rest of the tests and the completion of the quest!
When: Early morning 5/6
Where: Fantasy Fairytale Land
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg-13 for killing things

I know. )


Who: Faiza, Beth, and Alma.
What: Baby!
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: The ranch.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete!

What're you planning, Pretty? )



I don’t want to end up attacking anybody

Who: Jubilee and Mavis
What: Vampires meet, and Jubilee gives tips!
When: ⅚
Where: Some place!
Status: complete
Rating: Pg-13 for discussion of blood, being dead inside, and nomming on people

I know it's probably really squicky for you but you need to get acclimated to it before you reach a point where you might hurt someone. )




Who: Azula and Ty Lee
What: Making up
When: Late Monday night
Where: Hospital
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13
Triggers: Injuries, mentions of beatdowns

The world is brighter with you in it. )