
April 12th, 2013




Who: Zuko, Pansy, then Draco
When: 4/13
Where: Their place
What: A surprise encounter in the bathroom
Rating/Warnings: Pansy’s naked. Pies are thrown. But not literally.
Status: Complete

If she was the deer in the headlights, what did that make Zuko? The headlights? Or just another terribly shocked deer? )




Who: Alice Ayres and Verity
When: Friday, 4/12
Where: The Tea Shop
What: Verity has a confession and needs advice
Rating: Low, though reference to morning sickness
Status: Complete

I’m pregnant. )




Who: TARDIS and Gwen Stacy
When: After this.
Where: Tara’s house
What: Tara has had a rough couple of days, and needs a friend.
Rating: No warnings!
Status: Complete

Are these the dreams with the... Web-slinging superhero? )




Who: Zelda and Sam Gamgee
When: Backdated: Friday, April 5th. Afternoon
Where: Zelda’s home
What: Gardening!
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Zelda owned a relatively modest home for someone who came from her background )




Who: Lady Amalthea and Taiki Kou
What: Him trying to convince her that her mother was wrong.
When: Sometime after these texts
Where: Her place
Rating: PG-13 at most. TW for discussion eating disorder and mentally abusive parent and previous partner.
Status: In progress.

I'm fine, really )



I really like him, I think.

Who: Zelda and Navi
When: Friday, 4/12
Where: Navi’s Nursery
What: A visit! Probably giggling and squealing
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

That was enough to bring on a Mach 1 Navi Squeal. )