
January 25th, 2013



Who: Laura Kinney and Zach Jupiter
When: 1/25
Where: Laura’s apartment
What: setting up her computer
Rating: pg for minor nudity
Status: complete

Touch it, bring it, babe, watch it Turn it, leave it, stop, format it )




UWho: Scott Summers and Emma Frost
Where: Their house
What: facepalming, planning
When: 1/24
Warnings/Rating: pg-13 for mid-day drinking
Status Complete!

fuuuuuuuuuu )




Who: Percy Weasley and Verity Ashford
When: Sometime 1/21-1/28
Where: For the Lulz
What: Chatting. Awkward.
Rating: Low
Status: complete!

I like him. I mean. You know. Not like that. I just mean. As a friend. )




Who: John Watson, Amy Pond
What: Meeting- up in the hospital
When: Afternoon, Wed Jan 16th
Where: Irvine Medical
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

I think you’re a good man, John. A very good man. )



It is. She’s a good girl. Her mother’s... a harpy.

Who: Lúthien and McCoy
When: After the cure
Where: a bar
What: a chat
Rating: PG
Status: Complete when posted

A harpy? That sounds a little harsh, but I’m not in your shoes. )




Who: John Jones and Cadence
When: January 25
Where: Cadence’s college
What: John’s company sets out to reward and help Cadence’s fund raising for the needy.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

Read more... )


Who: Musetta, Harvey and YOU!
When: Friday night
Where: Harvey's place
What: A party... because they can~
Rating: R to be safe, but most likely pg-13 ish.
Status: In-Progress

Oh what a celebration we'll have today )




Who: Verity Ashford and Fred Weasley
When: Sometime 1/21-1/28
Where: For the Lulz
What: Working
Rating: pg-13 for sex talks?
Status: Complete!

I’d love to have a Valentine’s Day celebration with you, Fred. Since I went out with George last year. )




Who: Thor and Natasha
Where: Natasha’s house
What: A little romance, a little sex,a little serious conversation about couplehood
When: 01/23
Warnings/Rating: NC-17 for scenes of graphic sex
Status Complete!

We will make our own luck, my star. )



Once Upon A Time...

Who: John Jones and Leonard McCoy
When: January 21st, 2012(a little over a year ago)
Where: Irvine general
What: After a fire, John is brought in, hurt and burned, and McCoy sees him.
Rating: PG-13 for burning, trauma, and loss of a canine companion,

Beginnings... )



John has a girlfriend. She's okay. He could do better.

Who: Cameron and Link
What: Creepy hauntings and feeling discussions
When: Last week
Where: Link’s farm
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for bras

And if he didn’t have a girlfriend? )




Who: Giles Babcock and Kirsty Cotton
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: A small pub
What: Meeting up
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete

struck )



Jesus that feels good.

Who: Jim Kirk and Hermione Granger
When: Wednesday Jan 23
Where: Their home
What: Talking about stuff, Hermione gets a foot massage.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

For my next trick, I’ll walk on water. )




Who: Vala Mal Doran and Faye Valentine
What: Faye helps Vala plan her house party
Where: Vala's house
When Friday afternoon
Rating: Maybe a PG for language
Status: In progress

Read more... )



"Would you like a jelly baby?"

Who: Leela, dream!Tomas and dream!Four (Narrative)
What: The Face of Evil. Or, Leela is saved by Tomas, meets the 'Evil One'
When: Many, many centuries in the future
Where: An unnamed Earth colony, home to the Sevateem and the Tesh
Rating: PG? Bits of violence, but that's typical with Leela.
Status: Complete!

It's true, then? They say the Evil One eats babies... )




Who: Verity and Jefferson
When: Friday Jan 25
Where: Dress Shop
What: Meeting! Because it’s time.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

Rich girl, wanting to look virginal but adult enough to make someone a pliant wife later on. )




Who: Illyana and Clarice, with a Kitty Pryde cameo
Where: Their home
What: Illyana comes home with Clarice, and they celebrate
When: After they are released from the hospital.
Warnings/Rating: NC-17 for sexy times
Status Complete

She had found her home. )




Who: Alex and Lorna, with cameos by Big Mac and Tonks
Where: out and then to his house
What: rollerskating, sex, kinkiness
When: Friday night
Warnings/Rating: R for sex.
Status Complete

Come on baby, light my fire... )