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Jun. 1st, 2018


I am doing "market research". I understand this is very important to running a successful business.

How many people here use swords, blades and other edged weapons as their preferred method of fighting or defense?

How many people here are interested in acquiring an a blade or require a blade with unusual specifications or qualities?

Thank you for your response!

I would like to start a business. I have been reading up on it on the internet. I thought as a successful business owner yourself, you could walk me through the process you went through to get started?

Would you be interested in an apprenticeship? I thought after our discussion at the party you might be interested in the art of bladesmithing.

May. 28th, 2018


ooc: because of this

Hey, Adam. Lover boy. Cutie Patootie. Mel. Deliciae. Babe.

May. 25th, 2018


So. [...] This still feels weird. It hasn't worn off, though, so that's something. Also it's really hot here. Like I thought I was exaggerating when I was alive for a week, but no. It's definitely still really hot.

Uh. Thanks for the energy usage and stuff, Pixie. Unless something super crazy happens and I revert back to being a ghost, though, I probably don't need it anymore. So what's a non-gross food that I should try? I mean, I had a week of food things, but I definitely didn't try everything. I covered things like pizza and sandwiches and whatever they served at school.

May. 24th, 2018


Who: Noah Czerny, Ronan Lynch, Gansey, Adam Parrish, and co
What: Bringing Noah back to liiiife~
When: Late May 23 and into early morning May 24
Where: Probably the Barns b/c we do what we want here
Warnings: Bones and things, Noah's very real emotions
Status: IC/OOC



Texts to the Raven boys )

May. 23rd, 2018


Text messages to Ronan Lynch
» What is this?
» [picture of Gansey's hand holding up... almost nothing]
» If this thing isn't one of yours, Ganseys are Democrats.

May. 20th, 2018


[Filtered to EPS Staff + ]EPS Seniors & Guardians]

We've got a preliminary Itinerary of this year's senior trip. The EPS is covering hotels, transpo, and meals. Though spending money will be on students. We're planning to leave Sunday June 17 (following graduation on the 16th) and return Sunday June 24th and go from Tumbleweed to Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone National Park, and the Grand Canyon National Park.

This is a classic roadtrip across some great stretches of the country, and I really tried to grasp that Americana flavor with choice of stops and roadside attractions. It should be cool rad gnarly fun.!

[Filtered to EPS Staff]
Unfortunately Jean's due around this time, so I'm unable to go. I have a soft yes from Emma on this trip, but ideally we need at least three drivers.

Preferably 25+ and comfortable driving some sort of Winnebago. I'm working that last detail out with rentals and our insurance.

May. 19th, 2018


At least I'm in different clothes this time and not my Aglionby uniform. And I can at least say I wasn't in my pajamas. It's weird to be back, though.

And I got to shove Ronan in a bonfire, so that was an experience.

May. 15th, 2018


[Team Barnacles]
Hey Ronan. You're like a ghost now, right?

I have a really important question to ask you. This is like a pretty big deal for me.

...Can I punch you? I'm like never going to get this opportunity again, man. My human bucket list is pretty much eat food, enjoy sun and punch me some ghosts.

So can I???

May. 12th, 2018


Hello. You next Bad Person Lesson is as follows:

Panicking, vaguebooking and posting the same confused nonsense over and over again, when someone has clearly already posted the same confused nonsense, is bad. It doesn't resolve anything and it makes it more difficult to post useful information to the network.

Good job, everyone!

Or, I suppose, you could just make one post about an ongoing issue and invite everyone affected by said issue to comment and share information. But I honestly don't expect that much from you.

It should also go without saying but posting repeated pictures of your pokemon is the moral equivelant to that one friend on facebook posting about their 2 week anniversary with their new boyfriend, then their 2 month anniversary, then their 3 month anniversary, and so on. You get one a year, people. That's it.


I actually tripped over something today. I'm not supposed to be able to trip over anything. Also I think I have a bruise? Gansey? Did you guys do something? I didn't do this. I can actually feel how warm it is and my stomach feels weird. Time feels really weird again, too. Like it's going slow but fast at the same time. Can someone explain what's happening?

[ooc: happening at the beginning of the plot]

May. 10th, 2018


When I found out there was a pool in town, I applied to be a "lifeguard." It's exactly what it sounds like, you guard life, just not violently. I'm a strong swimmer, much stronger than I look. I think maybe I won't be in the water much, unless there's trouble.

ʀᴀᴠᴇɴ ʀᴇʏᴇs
I would like it if you come swimming with me sometime, it makes you feel weightless, like how you described spacewalks. You can do it even with your leg-- unless something has happened to your leg since I last saw you? Have you learned to swim?

ᴊᴏʜɴ ᴍᴜʀᴘʜʏ
Do you have a job yet?

You know, you could take classes here.

May. 6th, 2018


Who wants to be my second (or third, fourth, fifth) test subject for a teleporting bracelet?

The first one being me. And it worked, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you.

May. 1st, 2018


Working shifts at the fort has been quieter than I expected. I end up spending most of my time cleaning up and trying to make the place look even remotely hospitable. Hope that's alright with the rest of you who work the ward there. Medicine in this time is so primitive, I'm not even sure how you all practice.

I'm thinking of seeing about taking on some shifts at the hospital as well, though I'd probably come into contact with actual patients there. That's the one downside to practicing medicine.

Apr. 24th, 2018


We should do something tonight.

Apr. 21st, 2018


By the way, there are a small community of Weevils living in the sewer system beneath Tumbleweed.

For those of you who don't know, a Weevil looks like this.

...cut for image, unfiltered... )

Yes, they look ferocious, and yes they happened to come through the portal along with the other things you guys battled last Sunday. However, they're a race of beings with intelligence, their own social system, express emotions, and have every right to life like anybody else. A few of their numbers had to unfortunately be killed because of their aggression, but that's because, like every last one of us Displaced, they were rudely yanked from their universe and thrown into a strange environment, which in their case is completely foreign from their own. They were confused, frightened, angry. And I can remember reading on the network a number of people who reacted the same way when they woke up in quarantine. Unlike the rest of us, they didn't have the luxury of getting a chance to calm down and have stuff explained to them.

Since then, I've talked to them - they've got mild telepathic abilities, and now understand what's going on. We've helped to set up a home for them in the sewers, and they want to left alone, to live in peace. By 'we', I mean Ianto, River, and myself. We've fitted them with tracking devices on the off off off chance one of them goes rogue. They've also been given the same vaccination we all got from Fort Neill, so there isn't any worry about them spreading disease. The only reason why they'd want to come to the surface is if they're hungry or being bothered, and I've made sure they won't go hungry.

I'm asking all of you, please don't bother them. I will be taking personal responsibility of them, and anybody going down to antagonize or hurt them won't be taken very lightly.

Apr. 18th, 2018


Good news, there is quite a good exchange rate on Arnesian gold.

Who wants to take a trip to London?

And I also should start planning a party, now that I have money for it. I promised to host the next ball.

I want to thank you, again, for our conversation in Alola. I ended up speaking to Alucard about some of the things we discussed, and [...] it was a difficult conversation, but it went better than I expected.

Apr. 17th, 2018


WHO: Rhy Maresh & Richard Gansey III
WHAT: small talk, & less small (past death experience) talk
WHEN: the second or third to last day on Alola (backdated)
WHERE: the resort on Akala
WARNINGS: death talk, insecurity, feels

... )

Apr. 9th, 2018


What the fuck. St. Agnes is here.

(ooc: added in after this)
Something's up with your vampire girlfriend.


I was surprised to wake up in bed. Mostly I was surprised to "wake up" because I don't really sleep. So that was a little unusual. It's nice to be back. I missed the feeling of the ley line. It's nice to be by something familiar. Also Monmouth is about the same as I remember it.

Apr. 8th, 2018


post-dated to Monday, April 9th at 9am.

We're back in Tumbleweed, but as some of you may have figured out, the town is completely different than it was the last time we were here. There's an airport now, which my car navigation system pointed out, and it's on the opposite side of town from Fort Neill.

Of course, that's not the most startling or disturbing difference. Fort Neill is a graveyard, and I mean that in the kindest sense of the world. It was locked up when I got there. Got my way in to find a dusty military facility that has not been used in quite some time, and it looks like it didn't happen on purpose.

The military is dead, and I don't mean they cleared out. I mean there is an entire facility full of the skeletal remains of whoever was in there when something happened. That something appears to have been some sort of [...] feeding, possible animal attack. There are definite teeth marks on these bones, and the state of decomposure... it's not new. At least a decade, maybe more so it's not as horrendous as it could be to see.

I have not turned the power on; I don't want to disturb the bodies more than I already have, but I'd like for anyone interested in helping to come down to the facility to move these bodies — telekinesis, magic, or just standard issue gloves — so that we don't taint the bodies with our DNA. We'll have to keep the power off until that happens, and then there should be video monitoring we can check to see what happened, check databases and logs to see if there's any evidence of what might have happened here.

I'm leaving this open so we can discuss what to do. After scrounging around the base, I haven't seen any paperwork or IDs for those of you who arrived on the cruise so that's something we should work on immediately to get people in the system so they can work, get IDs, and whatever else they need. We'll need people who can make IDs and people who can get into the necessary systems for government agencies to make sure the back-end is taken care of in anyone wants to cross state or country lines.

And a warning to some of you who worked at the military before: yes, we knew some of these people if the names on the uniforms check out.

Apr. 7th, 2018


This bird reminds me an awful lot of Kell.

cut for images, not filtered )

The resemblance is really uncanny, isn't it?

Mar. 31st, 2018


I guess it's a good thing I'm not a real boy or getting pushed out the window into the water would have meant actually getting wet. It also keeps the concrete from hurting when I get pushed out regular windows and fire from hurting when I get shoved into bonfires.

If we ever find a skyscraper, I'm in trouble.

[Marceline Aberdeer]
Can I ask you a favor?

Mar. 30th, 2018


These flowers are really beautiful magic.

Mar. 23rd, 2018


So are we doing anything for the birthday boy today or what.

Is it your birthday today too?

Mar. 20th, 2018


Following up on Rogue's post about Home Ec, we actually do have some posts that need to be filled due to recent departures : If anyone is interested, we could use US History, AP Biology, and Computer Science in the school.

Otherwise, we can combine the standard and AP bio and sort something out for the History and Comp Sci classes.

Mar. 17th, 2018


WHO: Ronan & ... you? OTA
WHAT: celebrating St. Patty's day
WHEN: Saturday afternoon, up until ball-ish times, unless people want to keep going, but Ronan's gonna be done by then cause he has plans with his boyfriend.
WHERE: all the bars. All of them.
WARNINGS: alcohol. All else TBD

So apparently Ronan is the only one who knows how to actually dance a jig (unless someone else does who hasn't spoken up yet!) so he will be spending a lot of time between bars today, and performing dances a lot like this (minus the girl) and this.

He competed in Irish music & dance competitions as a kid, so he is actually very good. (Y'all are just lucky - or unlucky, depending on your point of view - he doesn't have his musical instruments here.) Slightly sloppier as he gets drunker, but still on point. And he will also be whistling along to the music as he goes. And dressed in a costume much like the dudes in that second video, except nicer, because it's Gansey's clothes and Gansey's clothes are NICE.

And even when he wasn't dancing, he had his Irish music playing full blast, with songs like this (he definitely danced to this one) and this and so on, you get the idea. Some of the music was actually done by him or his dad. You're welcome.

Did you try to dance? Did you let him try to show you how to dance? Did you take pictures? Did you drink? HAVE FUN, GUYS.


All you wannabe Irish motherfuckers get your asses to the bar and I'll show you how it's done. Because clearly I am the most Irish person on this boat.


My mother and father were Irish immigrants. Happy St. Patrick's Day, from the most Irish person on this boat.

Mar. 16th, 2018


WHO: All of Displaced
WHEN: Saturday, March 17th, starting at 7pm and going well into the night.
WHERE: Explorer Lounge, Atrium, the casino across the lounge, wherever the party spills over to
WHAT: Spring Ball 2018, hosted by Princesses Allura and Zelda
WARNINGS: Maybe, maybe not?

She turned to the sunlight, and shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor: “Winter is dead.” )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mar. 15th, 2018


If I bring my tablet, do you think they'll play a Blink-182 song at the ball? I guess it's not really a fancy ball song, but it would be nice.

Mar. 7th, 2018


later that day... (cuz I gottah go to work)

[Filter: No one named Baelfire or Neal Cassidy allowed.]

So I got this bean. Apparently beans take you to the cool places you can't normally get to. Long story. I had to pretend to be a bear for this little guy with a beard. Whatever.

Anyway, apparently I don't know if it's going to take me to a cool place or the cool place. So, if anyone else gets a bean, want to check some places out?

I'm pretty legit and haven't been in a good fight in a while. So. If you need protection or whatever...


Do not go to Neverland.

Mar. 6th, 2018


Are you fucking kidding me? I am not ready to Swayze this bitch, so someone better tell me you got a cure all for a case of dead and ghost.


Bella's gone. George is gone. I don't know what to say about any of this, but I feel like I'm losing all my friends slowly and it sucks.

Mar. 2nd, 2018


I know you're the reason that Noah's been more [...] solid lately.

Thank you.

I see you made a new friend.

(added later)
Get ready, bitches, we're going to a show.

Mar. 1st, 2018


Greetings! I am King Rhy Maresh, of the great country of Arnes. My country has enjoyed a long-standing tradition of communication with our closely related worlds, but this is the first I've heard of so many others, and the first time I've had the honor of getting to introduce myself to other worlders in person. I should very much like to meet all of you, and would be happy to accept any requests for formal, diplomatic audiences.

I also hope that if any of you should ever find yourselves in the country of Arnes, you will make your way to London and allow me to show you our hospitality.

And now that I've gotten the official things out of the way: I would be equally happy to meet you as friends, without any need for standing on ceremony or official titles. Please feel free to call me Rhy. I promise I'm not as stuffy as my king voice probably makes me sound.

Oh, and I shouldn't forget - you may have already met two others from Arnes, Kell and Alucard, who have been here longer than I have. Let me know if I need to apologize on their behalf; they both have a knack for finding trouble when I'm not around.

Hello, Mr. Solo! I've been informed that I will be joining Alucard in your shared quarters. I look forward to meeting you in person.

Feb. 28th, 2018


Hi there! I’m Janet.

Fun fact: Though Dr. Alexander Wood, the inventor of the hypodermic needle, is in The Good Place, he only missed being sent to The Bad Place by 312 points. Incest and torture are, as a general rule, frowned upon, no matter the reason.

With that in mind, I do not have skin or a circulatory system, so I can be neither infected nor innoculated. The experience was fun, though!

Feb. 25th, 2018


WHO: Kell Maresh, Gansey & Ronan Lynch
WHAT: Welcome to the Gangsey
WHEN: February 17th
WHERE: Med Bay

Welcome aboard )

Feb. 24th, 2018


I'm going to miss all the green here.

Feb. 17th, 2018


Please, I cannot stay here. Someone will die if I stay here.

Kes la? Tol?

Nijk shöst.

Feb. 16th, 2018


The trees talk!! Their bark is so tough not even an axe could break it! And they're even really trees, they're LIKE trees, and they're shepherds for the trees these other creatures that can move and talk to trees but aren't Ents and they all look after the forest. They're so tall and beautiful.

I'm getting nerd shit everwhere.

Feb. 15th, 2018


FILTERED AGAINST MICHAEL (for whatever good that does)
Anyone seen Michael, the celestial being in a hoodie burrito? Or have any idea where I might find him?


This place is actually really good for magical energy. It's going to be kind of sad to leave it behind. I haven't had to disappear for very long, which is new. Also thanks, Pixie for making sure we could get to all the different places.

Feb. 11th, 2018




Bellamy, I'm not going to build a bear tomorrow.

In fact, I'm not leaving my cabin ever again.

Feb. 10th, 2018


Hey hey hey!

So if you need a teleport to somewhere hit me up. I can totes probably help you out.

Also I might be able to set up portals between places to make it easier to move around the whole place while we're there. Kind of like we have from the floors to the school for safety and to skip the elevator at 8:55 in the morning when you realize 'oh crap I've got school'.

Pixie travel is a go when we finally arrive!


I think I remember this. Not everything this pamphlet says, but some of this. Gansey, do you want to go tour some things with me when we get there? We can stop to get food and stuff if you're hungry.


I'm guessing the Tolkien books are in the library, although there may not be enough copies for everyone. I have digital copies on my computer - the trilogy and also The Hobbit - if anyone would like to read them on their tablet. Just let me know.

I was also thinking we should screen the movies, if we have them, even though there might be inaccuracies (if we're visiting the book world). Because it might be hard for new readers to get through 3-4 books in the two days before we hit the port.


Many seem to be excited about where we are going next. What is so special about this Middle Earth?

Feb. 7th, 2018


WHO: Ronan Lynch & Gansey
WHAT: Late night srs talk & feelings
WHEN: Late night February 7th
WARNINGS: References to death, near death, violence, trauma, etc.

Fuck. Yeah. Of course. )

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