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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'undertale:+sans'

Jan. 21st, 2018



I'd like to offer a little insight into what happens if you let the Russians win, for those of you who come from places lucky enough to have - I don't know, orcs as enemies, instead. As one late Russian sympathizer once said: Imagine ...

The money you earn working your ass off is absorbed largely by the state, ostensibly to be distributed across the population to ensure a more egalitarian society, but actually to line the pockets of corrupt party leaders who then go off and build castles that make Al Indelicato look like Nancy Meyers in neighboring vassal states. You'll swap out the nice house you're living in now for planned concrete block "communities" of four hundred apartments each, all facing the same empty courtyard - the better to keep an eye on each other. A great way to make a few extra pennies is to report to your local "protection officer" that the old woman whose window you can see into at night just bought a suspiciously nice new shawl.

You can use those extra pennies to go down to the grocery store - if it's your appointed day to go down to the grocery store. When you get there, they won't have anything. That's because the guy in charge of deciding which food goes to which store is in the pocket of that aforementioned party leader, who needs some oranges to decorate the floating fruit trays on his infinity pool in Graftistan. He lets Mr. Grocery Distributor take home an extra pack of lunchmeat to his family every year for his trouble. So you're stuck looking at empty shelves and fighting over the privilege to pay eighty-six dollars for a pack of hot dog buns. (The hot dogs are made of beets, and they are out of stock.)

You'll be cooking whatever you can find in a pressure cooker made in the '30's, because no one has ever come up with anything better. There's no reason to. Any money you make off your innovation will just go right back to Comrade McMansion up there, so why bother? There are no new drugs developed. Technology stagnates. Any incentive to try something new has been completely stifled, and so there is nothing new. Life slugs along at the same grey, miserable status quo forever and ever, and you start to believe it's better that way because it's the same for everyone. Even though it's not. It just looks that way, because the only things allowed on your television are programs that tell you it is. Your television is black and white, and it is a CRT.

There is no remote.

Jan. 17th, 2018




Milk here (1) is white, and (2) arrives via a truck dedicated exclusively to milk. All right. Sure. I'll try to drive slow.

... Who wants milk?




Well I don't know about you but I'm gettin' kinda sick of the scientists trying to set me up. I think we need to figure out some ground rules for, uh, whatever this is supposed to be.

Jan. 8th, 2018



[Squad 12]

There are some new people here.

Other people are gone.

I don't need to know who you are, and I don't care.

We have to pick a council person, so pick somebody and vote for them.

Also. Do not mistake the fact that I am talking now as a sign of genuine interest in your decisions and attempt to discuss them with me further.

The end.

VOTES (out of 10):
Unidentified blond woman: 1
Sharon Carter: 6
Don't Care: 3

Jan. 6th, 2018



I can't find Steven. Anyone sees him, you let me know. Right away.

Buddy, if you see this, let me know that you're safe.

Jan. 5th, 2018



So where exactly does one get these powers everyone keeps talking about? I'm afraid I don't know all that much about magic. It's a rather forbidden subject where I'm from. I must admit I am a bit jealous of everyone that gets to fly. I just wonder, how does it work without wings?

And how do you feel without yours? Your grandfather is rather upset about this machine situation, as are many others. I'm trying to understand, but I'm afraid without context a lot of it is lost on me.

Jan. 4th, 2018



I'm glad everyone has such enthusiasm for democracy. We got a rather fascinating submission for a flag design, if anyone else would like to contribute alternate ideas. It's at the end of a rather long queue, so you have a bit of time.

Do you think anyone would actually notice if Hux went missing?

Jan. 2nd, 2018



I recognize now that the subject of powers or abilities is a complex issue. There are passionate opinions on both sides about whether or not we should even be proceeding with the construction of this machine, but for me the answer is clear, and I think it should be for all of us. We can't debate whether or not it's ethical or optional to manipulate our access to abilities, that power already exists. It's wielded by the Scientists who brought us here. We can't let those dictators keep it.

For those unaware, Hotel has been tasked with building a device that could control the Facility's accest to powers. While I, myself, have only been here a few days, I've read the constitution and collected enough anecdotes about the past experiences of individuals here to feel confident in stating that the scientists do not have our best interests at heart. For that reason alone we must push forward with the construction of this machine to give this power to those who hold our interests and our survival in their hearts. That is our government. That is ourselves. That is not the scientists.

[Gener Armitage Hux]
I trust you're feeling better?

Dec. 29th, 2017



Hello? I'm Tina Goldstein, I've just arrived here. I have to say that while I'm familiar with New York, having grown up there, this is nothing quite like the New York that I remember from home. I'm told it's nearly a hundred years into my future which is truly quite astonishing.

Also it was months until December.

I really don't know what to make of this, it's not quite what I expected from leaving Newt to going back home.

Dec. 26th, 2017



Didn't really expect this taste of home, if I'm being honest. Or for the scientists to be this, uh, nice to us? This personalized? Anyone else concerned?

Dec. 25th, 2017



This isn't going to work for me.

I'm clearly a Spring

Dec. 22nd, 2017



Has anyone seen my brother? Because I can't find him anywhere. Does that mean he's been sent home? please, God

or has Hotel been tossing people into bunkers again

Dec. 7th, 2017



Alright, we got a look at which of the animal enclosures got human people in them.

You're needing to be on the lookout for snow leopards, snow monkeys, penguins, red pandas, anything in the tropic zone (too many to list), grizzlies, sea lions, cows, sheep, goats, ducks, pigs and owls.



Okay, what?

Dec. 1st, 2017



I was able to get Lion through the Christmas Market! He's a lot smaller but I think he still has his pocket dimension.

Sans, Clark, Singularity, you've gotta see him! He's a pink lion and he can walk on water! When he was bigger, I was able to ride him!

Nov. 21st, 2017



Guess I just collect blue coats, now. Anyone need a spare? I prefer mine.

That was what I'm gonna call not fun. Points for creativity, I guess.

[Sam, the ex-Philippe]

I just want to apologize for...that. That's not who I am. I'm sure that's not who you are either but I just...feel really weird. We've never talked much before and I don't like that we got introduced like that. Puts a bad taste in my mouth.

[Steven Universe]

You make it through okay, kid?



I never did get that rich husband I was looking for. I'm so disappointed.

Nov. 20th, 2017



Being out an out of work butler is tough work. I'm going to need a juice box.

Nov. 19th, 2017



I believe it would help to have a running tally on who has checked in as being present to insure we are all here and accounted for.

Squad 1: Kobik, Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson, Jan, Bucky
Squad 2: Bruce Banner, Sharon Carter, Natalia Romanova, Dick Grayson
Squad 3: Bucky Barnes, Jessica Jones, Natasha
Squad 4: Wanda
Squad 5: Hazel, Clint, Kamala, Lucretia,
Squad 6: Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Chidi, Betsy, Tahani, Raven, Jean, Jason, Magneto
Squad 7: Nathan, Hope, Rogue, Jean Grey, Logan, Emma, Hank
Squad 8: River, Luke Skywalker
Squad 9: Liv, Bail, Mon Mothma
Squad 10: Selina Kyle,
Squad 11: Helena, Kira, Lois, Cosima, Alex, Clark,
Squad 12: Audrey, Sam, Betty, Briggette, Jo, Jughead, Dean and Johanna Mason, Sans
Squad 13: Newt, Gretel, Phyrne, Regina, Robin Hood, Vax, Margaery


