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Incomplete Data

October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'the+last+survivors:+alex+morales'

Apr. 21st, 2018



What do you think is the weirdest hill you are willing to die on?

Like. Miracle Whip is better than Mayonnaise, or Leonardo was the worst Ninja Turtle, or the fact that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

What's yours?

Apr. 12th, 2018



I feel like maybe this is pity training. Like we were so abysmal in the jungle that they thought maybe we needed some help. Maybe that's why we didn't get a "reward".

[Tony Stark
[Loki Laufeyson, Peter Parker]
You two want to come train with me? I figure we should give this a shot, whether we're suspicious or not.

Apr. 10th, 2018



Wittgenstein Training: Day 1. )

Apr. 8th, 2018



I used to think counting down to something was fun. And then the moon happened. And now here. I don't like the way these count downs make me feel.

Mar. 31st, 2018



I'm pretty glad that we managed to at least win one questing thing.

Mar. 21st, 2018



This place is definitely weird.

Mar. 15th, 2018



If I'm understanding this correctly, we're essentially in a giant game of Dungeons & Dragons? Or something similar? And we're supposed to ask for quests and go off on adventures? I knew some guys at school who used to play it, but I never got into it.

Mar. 11th, 2018



This... might actually be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life ever.

Like, after finding out Scarlet Witch is my mom, I mean.

Mar. 7th, 2018



I am in the mood for blueberry pancakes. Basically have been since my whole life, but right now, my stomach is vaguely demanding them. Anyone want to go on a pancake adventure?

Feb. 25th, 2018



Why is it so hot?

Feb. 21st, 2018



Water has sea friends!

Feb. 14th, 2018



If powers weren't broken, could suck all the zombies into myself. Sorry to be broken. Scientists are not friends.

Feb. 10th, 2018



I don't know what to do I almost miss - No, better not say that I think I might miss jeans a little.

Does anyone have a little extra time to help tutor me, though? I've been sort of managing through this, but I think I might actually need a little extra help.

Feb. 5th, 2018



Each time I think my face/body might have stopped hurting, I manage to do something that reminds me that the seatbelts here are practically useless. All of that aside, I guess the party was pretty nice even though my head started hurting halfway through.

Feb. 2nd, 2018



Hey, guys. What if this is the Bad Place?

Jan. 28th, 2018



Is it common for people to go through other people's trash for no reason?



Yo, school is so boring. We should not have to do school anymore.



I've never played Volleyball before, but it's not been so bad, really. I'm still not that great, but it's been okay.

Jan. 27th, 2018



Having a human body comes with a lot of distinct disadvantages. My thought process is slower, my body is weaker and prone to injury and odd sensations of hunger, exhaustion, and restlessness. It is much harder to sleep than simply touching my temples to activate sleep mode. I find myself laying awake and thinking about things I rather forget. Feeling things that I cannot simply delete.

But I don't think I've ever felt as happy in a singular moment than when I first tried a chocolate milkshake today. There is nothing in this drink that is good for consumption, and despite knowing that, I drank it as quickly as I could even though the logical thing would be to savor the taste and the moment.

Unfortunately I experienced a rather unpleasant thing called brain freeze shortly after.

Jan. 26th, 2018



I am not really sure what to say now. Being anything outside of a Magizoologist seems empty I'm afraid I don't know much about the space race as they are calling it. I suppose I'll know more about it once I get past the 20s. Though, I suppose this is somewhat similar.